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Pop digests


PopDigests are short, comprehensive summaries of research results with a link to the original publication (if accessible online). This allows population experts and other interested audiences to be able to easily access information to the latest research results. 

Lampedusa Does Not Tell the Full Story
Every time a new boat with African refugees reaches the shores of Lampedusa or the Canary Islands, there is a new wave of media debate about African migration to Europe. Several countries even created new policy measures to respond to the masses of new migrants that they expect. However, the real numbers of migrants from sub-Saharan African countries are much lower than the public discourse sometimes suggests, as research from David Lessault and Cris Beauchemin shows.
Lampedusa Does Not Tell the Full Story
Cada vez que un nuevo barco con refugiados africanos llega a las costas de Lampedusa o de las Islas Canarias se produce una nueva ola de debates en los medios de comunicación sobre la migración de África hacia Europa. Muchos países han incluso creado nuevas medidas políticas para responder a la masa de migrantes que esperan ver llegar. Pero, tal y como muestra la investigación llevada a cabo por David Lessault y Cris Beauchemin, los números reales de los migrantes desde África subsahariana son mucho menores de lo que el debate público a veces sugiere.
Experienced, but Too Expensive?
Working longer and retiring later is not only a matter of whether older individuals want to remain active in the labour market as long as possible, but also depends on the employersˆ capacity and willingness to employ and retain older workers. A recent study by Hendrik P. van Dalen, Kne Henkens, Wilma Henderikse, and Joop Schippers analyses whether European employers support later retirement.
Moving On
Around 3.5 percent of all British people aged 50+ change residences over the course of a given year. While this number has remained relatively constant across time, some of the reasons behind these moves are changing. A new study by Maria Evandrou, Jane C. Falkingham, and Marcus Green explains how more frequent divorces and remarriages, in addition to changes in health and economic status, are creating different migration patterns for those in the later years of life.
Integration begreifen
L’intégration des immigrés est l’un des sujets les plus débattus en Europe. Toutefois, de nouvelles recherches menées par Tineke Fokkema et Hein de Haas suggèrent que notre compréhension de l’intégration et de ses facteurs est particulièrement limitée. Ils affirment que les politiques d’immigration actuelles sont susceptibles d’entraver l’immigration et que notre conception de ceux qui sont intégrés peut différer de la réalité.
Integration begreifen
The integration of migrants is continually among the most debated topics in Europe. However, new research by Tineke Fokkema and Hein de Haas suggests that our understanding of integration and its determinants is greatly limited. They argue that current immigration policies may in fact be hindering migrantsˆ integration, and that our assumptions about who is integrated may differ from reality.
Integration begreifen
La integración de los migrantes sigue siendo uno de los temas que más debate genera en Europa. Sin embargo, la nueva investigación llevada a cabo por Tineke Fokkema y Hein de Haas sugiere que nuestro entendimiento sobre la integración y sus determinantes son muy limitados. Los autores argumentan que las actuales políticas de inmigración podrían estar obstaculizando la integración de los inmigrantes y que nuestras conjeturas sobre quién está integrado podrían diferir de la realidad.
Integration begreifen
Die Integration von Migranten gehört fortwährend zu den in Europas meistdiskutierten Themen. Eine neue Forschungsarbeit von Tineke Foekkema und Hein de Haas zeigt jedoch, dass unser Verständnis der Integration und deren Determinanten großen Beschränkungen unterliegt. Den Autoren zufolge behindern aktuelle Zuwanderungspolitiken die Integration von Migranten in Wirklichkeit und unsere Annahmen darüber, wer integriert sei, weichen von der Realität ab.