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Researchers have developed a new interactive tool to view inequality indicators. It allows journalists, policymakers, researchers, and data scientists to visually explore and understand inequalities more precisely than ever.

Researchers have developed a new interactive tool to view inequality indicators. It allows journalists, policymakers, researchers, and data scientists to visually explore and understand inequalities more precisely than ever.

People at a conference table discussing
The Advisory Board will advise Population Europe's science-for-policy outreach. The outreach activities are designed for policymakers, business leaders, civil society and media representatives.

The Advisory Board will advise Population Europe's science-for-policy outreach. The outreach activities are designed for policymakers, business leaders, civil society and media representatives.

Older woman and young child look at mobile phone together
Dr. Bettina Hünteler of the Max-Planck-Institute for Demographic Research presented the audience with a new way of understanding social inequality: by looking at family compositions and how they differ during peoples' life

The Tuesday Dialogues are a series of public, online talks on demographic research and pressing societal issues which have taken place since 2020. Since 2024 they are being organized in collaboration with the Einstein Center Population Diversity in Berlin. 

Grouo of older people discussing around a table
Constructive policy suggestions were shared by more than 130 engaged citizens in a workshop hosted by the FutuRes Policy Lab. We would like to thank all participants!

“We should never underestimate the power of demography”, said Arnstein Aassve, Head of Research at the EU-funded FutuRes Project, at a recent citizen workshop. We can only agree, except that we would like to add: "Never underestimate the knowledge of more than 130 engaged citizens from 20 European countries!". Our researchers went home with wheelbarrows full of policy suggestions to fight ageism.

Experts around a table with microphones
The Lab streamlines Population Europe's activities, combining practitioners' experience with the latest scientific evidence to identify innovative solutions and best practices to meet the challenges ahead.

The Lab streamlines Population Europe's activities, combining practitioners' experience with the latest scientific evidence to identify innovative solutions and best practices to meet the challenges ahead.

Congratulations Dr. Vono de Vilhena
Congratulations to Dr. Daniela Vono de Vilhena, the Deputy Executive Secretary of Population Europe, for receiving the 2024 Outreach Award for Communication in Population Science from the European Association for Population Studies.

Congratulations to Dr. Daniela Vono de Vilhena, the Deputy Executive Secretary of Population Europe, for receiving the 2024 Outreach Award for Communication in Population Science from the European Association for Population Studies.

Collage of images, including a group photo of experts with the EU Vice President
In this project, we have woven the element of exchange between policy and science into all of our activities, starting from day one.

The "FutuRes" Project is reaching it's midpoint. We continue to foster transdisciplinary exchange to prepare for Europe’s demographic future. There are more innovative events coming up in the project's Policy Lab after the summer! But first, we inform about the activities of the past quarter.

Crowd of people
The High-Level Experts Conference Why Demography Matters. Population and Policy in the 21st Century took place on the 3rd of May 2024.

Leading demographers from the Population Europe network along with distinguished policy makers shared their priority areas for policymaking amidst demographic shifts at a High-Level Experts Conference Why Demography Matters. Population and Policy in the 21st Century.

Population Europe welcomes the DemoSoc Research Group to its network. DemoSoc is an interdisciplinary research group specialized in demographic and sociological analysis, as well as labor market and criminology studies.

Population Europe welcomes the DemoSoc Research Group, hosted by Pompeu Fabra University to its network.