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Books & Reports

This section provides an overview of selected book publications of Population Europe researchers, cooperation partners and from other sources. If available, links guide the user to the publication websites.

Research Handbook on Intergenerational Inequality Elgar Handbooks on Inequality Edited by Elina Kilpi-Jakonen , Jo Blanden , Jani Erola , and Lindsey Macmillan
The Research Handbook on Intergenerational Inequality is motivated by a core question in social science: to what extent does one’s family background and childhood experience predict success in life?

The Research Handbook on Intergenerational Inequality is motivated by a core question in social science: to what extent does one’s family background and childhood experience predict success in life? 

The book, edited by Axel Börsch-Supan, Anita Abramowska-Kmon, Karen Andersen-Ranberg, Agar Brugiavini, Agnieszka Chlon-Dominczak, Florence Jusot, Anne Laferrère, Howard Litwin, Sime Smolic and Guglielmo Weber, presents first results from SHARE Corona Waves 1 and 2.

The book, edited by Axel Börsch-Supan, Anita Abramowska-Kmon, Karen Andersen-Ranberg, Agar Brugiavini, Agnieszka Chlon-Dominczak, Florence Jusot, Anne Laferrère, Howard Litwin, Sime Smolic and Guglielmo Weber, presents first results from SHARE Corona Waves 1 and 2.

By France Meslé, Jacques Vallin, Carlo-Giovanni Camarda, Arianna Caporali, Svitlana Poniakina, Laurent Toussaint and Jean-Marie Robine.

The French population includes growing numbers of people over 100 years old: there were 31,000 centenarians in 2024, 30 times more than half a century ago. How many will reach 105 or 110? 

Using the Generation and Gender Survey, Hannu Lehti, Minna Tuominen, Elina Kilpi-Jakonen and Jani Erola explore the variation in the association between family composition measures and higher education attainment, as well as the average association based on parental education levels.

Using the Generation and Gender Survey, Hannu Lehti, Minna Tuominen, Elina Kilpi-Jakonen and Jani Erola  explore the variation in the association between family composition measures and higher education attainment, as well as the average association based on parental education levels. 

A research project, “Interconnected Inequalities and Family Life Courses in Spain” (INTERINEQ) headed by Andrés Castro, a researcher at the Centre for Demographic Studies (CED) offers a new look at the transition to adulthood and low fertility in Spain.

This report - part of the research project “Interconnected Inequalities and Family Life Courses in Spain” led by Andrés Castro - shows that plans for having a family and their coming to fruition depend on social classes and, in particular, on the relative advantages and disadvantages in the middle classes in Spain.


In this issue of Perspectives Demogràfiques, Albert Esteve and Pilar Zueras present the Explorador Social, focused on the collection, harmonisation, and dissemination of present and historical geo-referenced data.

In this issue of Perspectives Demogràfiques, Albert Esteve and Pilar Zueras present the Explorador Social, focused on the collection, harmonisation, and dissemination of present and historical geo-referenced data.