The project “Identities - Migration - Democracy (We-ID)” is a three years project (2025-2028) funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme. The project will explore how migration, demographic change and current crises are affecting social cohesion and democratic structures in Europe. Therefore, it is concerned with the transformation of individual and collective identities, social and territorial cohesion and democracy under the conditions of demographic change, particularly with regard to migration and growing population diversity. A key objective is to find out how resilient democratic structures can strengthen local communities in times of profound demographic change.
The research takes into account both the effects of migration on the host communities and the changes in the identity of migrants and their descendants. In addition to comprehensive data analyses on migration and political participation, case studies are being conducted in the participating countries to better understand the conditions for resilient democratic communities. The project will create a new platform – called the Policy, Advocacy and Research Lab – to facilitate exchange between academia, politics and society. In addition, a toolbox with practical recommendations for local stakeholders and practitioners is being developed.
The project partners are the University of St Andrews in Scotland, the Bocconi University in Italy, the Institute for the Study of Population and Human Studies (Bulgaria), and the Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar (Croatia), as well as the Council of the Baltic Sea States, and the non-governmental organisation The Civics Innovation Hub.
Further information can be found here: