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Books and reports

Books & Reports

This section provides an overview of selected book publications of Population Europe researchers, cooperation partners and from other sources. If available, links guide the user to the publication websites.

Books and Reports: Demography on the European Agenda: Strategies for Tackling Demographic Decline
Demography matters. The economy, labour market, healthcare, pensions, regional development, and election results – all are driven by demography. EU Member States have their own strategies and policies in order to counteract demographic decline. The EU also has an auxiliary role when it comes to tackling demographic challenges. Nevertheless, the EU has limited legal powers when it comes to dealing with issues that are related to demography.

Demography matters. The economy, labour market, healthcare, pensions, regional development, and election results – all are driven by demography. EU Member States have their own strategies and policies in order to counteract demographic decline. The EU also has an auxiliary role when it comes to tackling demographic challenges. Nevertheless, the EU has limited legal powers when it comes to dealing with issues that are related to demography.

Books and Reports: Understanding the Housing Conditions Experienced by Children in the EU
The provision of quality and affordable housing is an important mechanism for tackling child poverty, promoting the social inclusion of children and minimising the risk of homelessness among children in the EU. This memo outlines the housing conditions experienced by children across the EU and describes actions taken by EU countries and at the European level to improve the situation.

The provision of quality and affordable housing is an important mechanism for tackling child poverty, promoting the social inclusion of children and minimising the risk of homelessness among children in the EU. This memo outlines the housing conditions experienced by children across the EU and describes actions taken by EU countries and at the European level to improve the situation.

Books and Reports: Implications of COVID-19 for Older Persons: Responding to the Pandemic
This technical brief highlights relevant initiatives underway in UNFPA offices worldwide to respond to the rights and needs of older persons in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This technical brief highlights relevant initiatives underway in UNFPA offices worldwide to respond to the rights and needs of older persons in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Books and Reports: Same-Sex Families and Legal Recognition in Europe
This open access book focuses on family diversity from a legal, demographical and sociological perspective. It investigates what is at stake in the life of homosexuals in the field of family formation, parenting and parenthood, what it brings to everyday life, the support of the law, and what its absence implies.

This open access book focuses on family diversity from a legal, demographical and sociological perspective. It investigates what is at stake in the life of homosexuals in the field of family formation, parenting and parenthood, what it brings to everyday life, the support of the law, and what its absence implies.

Books and Reports: Policy Responses to Low Fertility: How Effective Are They?
This working paper by Tomáš Sobotka, Anna Matysiak and Zuzanna Brzozowska (Wittgenstein Centre for Population and Global Human Capital) aims to summarise the available evidence on the effects of family policies on fertility, combining literature review with empirical illustrations for selected countries and policy interventions. It also discusses the complexity of the policy-fertility links.

This working paper by Tomáš Sobotka, Anna Matysiak and Zuzanna Brzozowska (Wittgenstein Centre for Population and Global Human Capital) aims to summarise the available evidence on the effects of family policies on fertility, combining literature review with empirical illustrations for selected countries and policy interventions. It also discusses the complexity of the policy-fertility links.

Books and Reports: Policy Brief: "Treating all children equally? Why policies should adapt to evolving family realities"
The OECD has published several brief analyses on the impacts and consequences of the coronavirus outbreak, as well as possible solutions, in areas including containment, health, employment, education, and more. The site is continuously supplemented and updated.

The OECD has published several brief analyses on the impacts and consequences of the coronavirus outbreak, as well as possible solutions, in areas including containment, health, employment, education, and more. The site is continuously supplemented and updated.

Books and Reports: COVID-19: A Gender Lens
Disease outbreaks affect women and men differently, and pandemics make existing inequalities for women and girls and discrimination of other marginalized groups such as persons with disabilities and those in extreme poverty, worse. This needs to be considered, given the different impacts surrounding detection and access to treatment for women and men.

Disease outbreaks affect women and men differently, and pandemics make existing inequalities for women and girls and discrimination of other marginalized groups such as persons with disabilities and those in extreme poverty, worse. This needs to be considered, given the different impacts surrounding detection and access to treatment for women and men.

Books and Reports: Fertility and Territorial Well-Being in Italy
In a new policy brief from the AgeWellAccounts (AWA) Project, the authors analyzed the association between fertility rates and well-being measured at the regional level in Italy. They found that in the best-performing regions in terms of economic conditions, public services, educational quality, and environment, fertility is higher than the national average.

In a new policy brief from the AgeWellAccounts (AWA) Project, the authors analyzed the association between fertility rates and well-being measured at the regional level in Italy. They found that in the best-performing regions in terms of economic conditions, public services, educational quality, and environment, fertility is higher than the national average.