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Books and reports

Books & Reports

This section provides an overview of selected book publications of Population Europe researchers, cooperation partners and from other sources. If available, links guide the user to the publication websites.

Books and Reports: Developments in Demographic Forecasting
This open access book presents new developments in the field of demographic forecasting, covering mortality, fertility and migration. For each component emerging methods to forecast them are presented. Moreover, instruments for forecasting evaluation are provided.

This open access book presents new developments in the field of demographic forecasting, covering mortality, fertility and migration. For each component emerging methods to forecast them are presented. Moreover, instruments for forecasting evaluation are provided.

Books and Reports: New Brochure and Interactive Web Application: "30 Years of German Unity and Diversity" (in German)
The German Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB) has released a report on the past 30 years of German unity and diversity, as well as an interactive web application.

The German Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB) has released a report on the past 30 years of German unity and diversity, as well as an interactive web application.

Books and Reports: Migration in West and North Africa and across the Mediterranean: Trends, risks, development and governance
This edited volume from the IOM's Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC) provides comprehensive evidence on migration from and within West and North Africa and across the Mediterranean.

This edited volume from the IOM's Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC) provides comprehensive evidence on migration from and within West and North Africa and across the Mediterranean.

Books and Reports: Assessing Uncertain Migration Futures: A Typology of the Unknown
A report of the Horizon 2020 project QuantMig, the aim of this paper is to shed light on the different facets of migration uncertainty, by offering a unique typology of the knowable and unknowable features of migration, with a special focus on the complexity of the underlying drivers.

A report of the Horizon 2020 project QuantMig, the aim of this paper is to shed light on the different facets of migration uncertainty, by offering a unique typology of the knowable and unknowable features of migration, with a special focus on the complexity of the underlying drivers.

Books and Reports: Handbook on Demographic Change and the Lifecourse
This innovative Handbook, edited by Jane Falkingham, Maria Evandrou and Athina Vlachantoni, offers a deeper understanding of the causes and consequences of demographic change across the lifecourse.

This innovative Handbook, edited by Jane Falkingham, Maria Evandrou and Athina Vlachantoni, offers a deeper understanding of the causes and consequences of demographic change across the lifecourse.

Books and Reports: COVID-19 and Women Migrant Workers: Impacts and Implications
This paper from the International Organization for Migration (UN Migration) explores the impacts and implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on women migrant workers. It examines the disproportionate effects of the crisis on women, discusses the particular case of women who are "essential" migrant workers, and concludes with some recommendations.

This paper from the International Organization for Migration (UN Migration) explores the impacts and implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on women migrant workers. It examines the disproportionate effects of the crisis on women, discusses the particular case of women who are "essential" migrant workers, and concludes with some recommendations.

Books and Reports: Gender Equality and Long-Term Care at Home
This research note from the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) focuses on formal home-based care across the EU for children with disabilities, adults with disabilities and older people.

This research note from the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) focuses on formal home-based care across the EU for children with disabilities, adults with disabilities and older people.

Books and Reports: Who Cares? Attracting and Retaining Care Workers for the Elderly
This report presents the most up-to-date and comprehensive cross-country assessment of long-term care (LTC) workers, the tasks they perform and the policies to address shortages in OECD countries. It highlights the importance of improving working conditions in the sector and making care work more attractive and shows that there is space to increase productivity by enhancing the use of technology, providing a better use of skills and investing in prevention.

This report presents the most up-to-date and comprehensive cross-country assessment of long-term care (LTC) workers, the tasks they perform and the policies to address shortages in OECD countries. It highlights the importance of improving working conditions in the sector and making care work more attractive and shows that there is space to increase productivity by enhancing the use of technology, providing a better use of skills and investing in prevention.

Books and Reports: Report on the Impact of Demographic Change
The findings of the Commission’s Demography Report show that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Policymaking needs to zoom into the reality on the ground. The European Union, Member States and regions have a shared interest in responding to demographic change for the benefit of all Europeans. Demographic change will affect everybody and must be a factor that helps steer Europe’s recovery from the crisis and provide us with insights as we build a more resilient, sustainable and fair Union.

The findings of the Commission’s Demography Report show that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Policymaking needs to zoom into the reality on the ground. The European Union, Member States and regions have a shared interest in responding to demographic change for the benefit of all Europeans. Demographic change will affect everybody and must be a factor that helps steer Europe’s recovery from the crisis and provide us with insights as we build a more resilient, sustainable and fair Union.

Books and Reports: Strengthening the Quality of Early Childhood Education and Care Through Inclusion
Ensuring effective access to quality early childhood education and care for all children remains a challenge, especially for those from disadvantaged backgrounds. This policy memo helps policymakers better understand this issue and suggests some possible solutions.

Ensuring effective access to quality early childhood education and care for all children remains a challenge, especially for those from disadvantaged backgrounds. This policy memo helps policymakers better understand this issue and suggests some possible solutions.