Contact Population Europe Secretariat WissenschaftsForum Markgrafenstraße 37 10117 Berlin - Germany Fon +49 (0)30 2061 383 -30 Fax +49 (0)30 2061 383 -50 Image Population Europe Newsletter - July 2024 Demography drives your futureThis is the newsletter of Population Europe, the network of Europe's leading demographic research centres. Books and Reports Image 27/06/24 Human Evolutionary Demography Read and download the book This edited volume - edited by Oskar Burger, Ronald Lee and Rebecca Sear - provides an interdisciplinary introduction to the field of Human Evolutionary Demography. This edited volume - edited by Oskar Burger, Ronald Lee and Rebecca Sear - provides an interdisciplinary introduction to the field of Human Evolutionary Demography. Read more about Human Evolutionary Demography Image 24/01/25 The 7Ds Extended Read and download the report This report by the Martens Centre presents policy recommendations for adapting to demographic change, among other topics. It includes contributions by renowned population experts. This report by the Martens Centre presents policy recommendations for adapting to demographic change, among other topics. It includes contributions by renowned population experts. Read more about The 7Ds Extended Image 17/05/24 Research Handbook on Intergenerational Inequality More information The Research Handbook on Intergenerational Inequality is motivated by a core question in social science: to what extent does one’s family background and childhood experience predict success in life? The Research Handbook on Intergenerational Inequality is motivated by a core question in social science: to what extent does one’s family background and childhood experience predict success in life? Read more about Research Handbook on Intergenerational Inequality Image 29/04/24 The Political Dimension of Social Cohesion in Europe Read and download the report By Arnstein Aassve, Alonso Román Amarales, Luciano Hultberg and Annapaola Zenato. This report investigates the political dimensions of social cohesion in Europe, offering a 20-year perspective derived from 10 rounds of the European Social Survey. Read more about The Political Dimension of Social Cohesion in Europe Image 24/04/24 Living beyond age 105: When the improbable becomes reality Read and download the report By France Meslé, Jacques Vallin, Carlo-Giovanni Camarda, Arianna Caporali, Svitlana Poniakina, Laurent Toussaint and Jean-Marie Robine. The French population includes growing numbers of people over 100 years old: there were 31,000 centenarians in 2024, 30 times more than half a century ago. How many will reach 105 or 110? Read more about Living beyond age 105: When the improbable becomes reality Image 28/03/24 Geodemography. For a Better Understanding of the World Read the book Using a broad repertoire of exemplary cases drawn from recent world history, Massimo Livi Bacci explores relations among countries and their future. Using a broad repertoire of exemplary cases drawn from recent world history, Massimo Livi Bacci explores relations among countries and their future. Read more about Geodemography. For a Better Understanding of the World Discussion Paper Image 18/06/2024 Ertüchtigen statt entmutigen: Ertüchtigungsstrategien für eine resiliente Zivilgesellschaft Document Download Discussion Paper 21/2024 (1.73 MB) Dieses Diskussionspapier präsentiert Ergebnisse der aktuellen Feldforschung in Deutschland und erörtert die Zusammenhänge zwischen demografischen Veränderungen, regionalen Ungleichheiten, demokratischer Unruhe und dem Aufstieg rechts-populistischer und rechtsextremer Bewegungen. Es stellt auch inspirierende lokale Initiativen vor, die die Demokratie fördern. Dieses Diskussionspapier präsentiert Ergebnisse der aktuellen Feldforschung in Deutschland und erörtert die Zusammenhänge zwischen demografischen Veränderungen, regionalen Ungleichheiten, demokratischer Unruhe und dem Aufstieg rechts-populistischer und rechtsextremer Bewegungen. Es stellt auch inspirierende lokale Initiativen vor, die die Demokratie fördern. Read more about Ertüchtigen statt entmutigen: Ertüchtigungsstrategien für eine resiliente Zivilgesellschaft Image 18/06/2024 Empowering instead of discouraging: Empowerment strategies for a resilient civil society Document Download Discussion Paper 21/2024 (1.38 MB) This discussion paper shares findings from recent field research in Germany, discussing the connections between demographic changes, territorial inequalities, democratic unease and the rise of right-wing populist and far-right movements. It also explores inspiring local initiatives to promote democracy. This discussion paper shares findings from recent field research in Germany, discussing the connections between demographic changes, territorial inequalities, democratic unease and the rise of right-wing populist and far-right movements. It also explores inspiring local initiatives to promote democracy. Read more about Empowering instead of discouraging: Empowerment strategies for a resilient civil society Event Image Towards a New Equality of Place: Leveraging Geospatial Data for Policy Impact Mon Oct 7 Join us in person or online to explore how Mapineq Link can enhance our efforts to address inequality locally and beyond. Register now to join the launch of the Mapineq Link - Interactive Database and Dashboard on 7 October at the WZB in Berlin. This hybrid event will offer both in-person and online participation options. Event Review Image 03/07/2024 Unlocking Social Mobility Across Generations. Challenges and Policy Options This event review summarises the presentations and panel discussions from the second seminar of the EU-funded project "Mapping Inequalities Through the Life Course" (Mapineq), held on 18 June from 15:00 to 16:00 CEST. Read the event review and watch the meeting recording on YouTube to explore the latest trends on social mobility in Europe, delve into its root causes and enduring challenges, and discover effective policy interventions at both national and local levels. Read more about Unlocking Social Mobility Across Generations. Challenges and Policy Options News Image 01/06/24 Expanding our network of stakeholders with innovative events In this project, we have woven the element of exchange between policy and science into all of our activities, starting from day one. The "FutuRes" Project is reaching it's midpoint. We continue to foster transdisciplinary exchange to prepare for Europe’s demographic future. There are more innovative events coming up in the project's Policy Lab after the summer! But first, we inform about the activities of the past quarter. Image 17/06/24 Outreach Award for Daniela Vono de Vilhena Congratulations to Dr. Daniela Vono de Vilhena, the Deputy Executive Secretary of Population Europe, for receiving the 2024 Outreach Award for Communication in Population Science from the European Association for Population Studies. Congratulations to Dr. Daniela Vono de Vilhena, the Deputy Executive Secretary of Population Europe, for receiving the 2024 Outreach Award for Communication in Population Science from the European Association for Population Studies. Image 20/06/24 Experience Driven | Evidence Informed | Better Policies. Population Europe launches its Policy Lab The Lab streamlines Population Europe's activities, combining practitioners' experience with the latest scientific evidence to identify innovative solutions and best practices to meet the challenges ahead. The Lab streamlines Population Europe's activities, combining practitioners' experience with the latest scientific evidence to identify innovative solutions and best practices to meet the challenges ahead. Image 16/05/24 Why Demography Matters. Population and Policy in the 21st Century The High-Level Experts Conference Why Demography Matters. Population and Policy in the 21st Century took place on the 3rd of May 2024. Leading demographers from the Population Europe network along with distinguished policy makers shared their priority areas for policymaking amidst demographic shifts at a High-Level Experts Conference Why Demography Matters. Population and Policy in the 21st Century. Image 07/05/24 New Partner Institute: Pompeu Fabra University Population Europe welcomes the DemoSoc Research Group to its network. DemoSoc is an interdisciplinary research group specialized in demographic and sociological analysis, as well as labor market and criminology studies. Population Europe welcomes the DemoSoc Research Group, hosted by Pompeu Fabra University to its network. Image 27/03/24 Population Europe experts and the EU's Vice-President discuss visions for demographic futures The Vice-President and the research experts share an important view: Europe may be ageing - but there is much more to do than to simply paint a negative picture. Invited by the EU Vice-President for Demography and Democracy, Dubravka Šuica, experts from our network met in Brussels. They presented visions for "the Future of the EU through a demographic lens". Policy Brief Image 24/04/2024 Schrumpfende Bevölkerung – schrumpfender demokratischer Raum? Wie Demografie und Demokratie auf lokaler Ebene zusammenwirken Document Download Population and Policy Brief 44/2024 (144.84 KB) Dieses Policy Brief gibt einen Überblick über den beunruhigenden Zulauf zu populistischen Parteien in verschiedenen europäischen Regionen als eine Form des „Protests” gegen die jeweils vorherrschenden Lebensbedingungen sowie über wirksame (Gegen-)Maßnahmen der Zivilgesellschaft auf lokaler Ebene. Dieses Policy Brief gibt einen Überblick üüber den beunruhigenden Zulauf zu populistischen Parteien in verschiedenen europäischen Regionen als eine Form des „Protests” gegen die jeweils vorherrschenden Lebensbedingungen sowie über wirksame (Gegen-)Maßnahmen der Zivilgesellschaft auf lokaler Ebene. Read more about Schrumpfende Bevölkerung – schrumpfender demokratischer Raum? Image 23/04/2024 Shrinking Population and Shrinking Democratic Space? Demography and democracy at the local level Document Download Population and Policy Brief 44/2024 (150.93 KB) This policy brief reviews the concerning support for populist parties in different European regions as a form of “protest” against current living conditions and the effective (counter)measures taken by civil society at the local level. In a series of online workshops, experts discussed the concerning support for populist parties in different European regions as a form of “protest” against current living conditions and the effective (counter) measures taken by civil society at the local level. The aim of this policy brief is to highlight the timely and policy-relevant results of this transdisciplinary and transnational dialogue, based on the latest scientific data and practical knowledge shared by eminent experts and practitioners. Read more about Shrinking Population and Shrinking Democratic Space? Policy Insights Image 10/07/2024 A Symphony for the Ages: Strategies for Classical Music Amid Demographic Shifts By Matthijs Kalmijn and Kène Henkens Historically, concert attendance increases with age across all generations studied: Older adults were never frequent concertgoers in their youth, indicating that interest in classical concerts develops later in life. Historically, concert attendance increases with age across all generations studied: Older adults were never frequent concertgoers in their youth, indicating that interest in classical concerts develops later in life. Read more about A Symphony for the Ages: Strategies for Classical Music Amid Demographic Shifts Image 10/06/2024 Speeding-up birth intervals: Economic relief but health risks for newborns By Sol Pía Juárez & Enrico Debiasi Family policies can have many unforeseen consequences. By examining Sweden’s “speed premium” policy, introduced in 1980, scholars at Stockholm University show that the policy was associated with a 24% increase in premature birth rates over the six years it was in force. Family policies can have many unforeseen consequences. By examining Sweden’s “speed premium” policy, introduced in 1980, Sol Pía Juárez and Enrico Debiasi show that the policy was associated with a 24% increase in premature birth rates over the six years it was in force. Read more about Speeding-up birth intervals: Economic relief but health risks for newborns Image 27/05/2024 Fertility decisions in crises: Policy lessons from COVID-19 and the Great Recession By Agnieszka Chłoń-Domińczak & Anna Maliszewska Fertility trends can be relatively crisis-resilient. Numbers from two recent major crises in Europe show this. However, not all countries were able to stabilise or rebuild their fertility trends. New research by the EU-funded FutuRes project’s team at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics looks into resilience as a core concept for demographic change. Based on a recent review of research literature, they discuss how policies can enhance fertility resilience. Birth rates have decreased in all EU countries. Multiple crises have aggravated this trend. However, there are signs of crisis resilience in birth rates and family planning, as new research by the EU-funded project FutuRes shows. Read here what this means for policy. Read more about Fertility decisions in crises: Policy lessons from COVID-19 and the Great Recession Pop Digest Image 05/07/2024 Regional Insights: Europe's Population Changes Since 2000 Vytenis J. Deimantas, A. Ebru Şanlıtürk, Leo Azzollini and Selin Köksal explore the relationship between population dynamics and policies in Europe, with a focus on subnational regions. Their findings suggest that countries with more pro-natalist policies tend to have higher population decline. Vytenis Juozas Deimantas, A. Ebru Şanlıtürk, Leo Azzollini and Selin Köksal explore the relationship between population dynamics and policies in Europe, with a focus on subnational regions. Their findings suggest that countries with more pro-natalist policies tend to have higher population decline. Read more about Regional Insights: Europe's Population Changes Since 2000 Image 28/06/2024 Air pollution affects students' school performance unequally In this article, Fabrizio Bernardi and Risto Conte Keivabu investigate the effect of exposure to particulate matter (PM2.5) at schools on students’ test scores in Italy. In this article, Fabrizio Bernardi and Risto Conte Keivabu investigate the effect of exposure to particulate matter (PM2.5) at schools on students’ test scores in Italy. Read more about Air pollution affects students' school performance unequally Image 26/06/2024 International mobility between the UK and Europe around Brexit: a data-driven study How has Brexit affected cross-border human mobility between the UK and the European Union? Recent research at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research investigates this question using official statistics and non-traditional data sources. How has Brexit affected cross-border human mobility between the UK and the European Union? Recent research at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research investigates this question using official statistics and non-traditional data sources. Read more about International mobility between the UK and Europe around Brexit: a data-driven study Image 18/06/2024 Early childhood education and care: Enhancing learning but not reducing disparities Contrary to recent international research, a study by Markus Laaninen, Nevena Kulic and Jani Erola found that ECEC does not compensate for the achievement of low-SES children in nordic countries. Contrary to recent international research, a study by Markus Laaninen, Nevena Kulic and Jani Erola found that ECEC does not compensate for the achievement of low-SES children in nordic countries. Read more about Early childhood education and care: Enhancing learning but not reducing disparities Image 05/06/2024 Cuts to child benefits: Some families cannot simply “do more with less” A new study by Gabriele Mari (Erasmus University Rotterdam) explores the long-lasting consequences that certain cuts in public spending may have for parents and children. A new study by Gabriele Mari (Erasmus University Rotterdam) explores the long-lasting consequences that certain cuts in public spending may have for parents and children. Read more about Cuts to child benefits: Some families cannot simply “do more with less” Image 29/05/2024 Moving to a new place during childhood is becoming less common across Europe Adopting a child-centered perspective, Alon Pertzikovitz, Gusta G. Wachter, and Helga A. G. de Valk demonstrate how childhood migration has declined since the 1970s, highlighting the connection between this trend and the postponement of fertility in Europe. Adopting a child-centered perspective, Alon Pertzikovitz, Gusta G. Wachter, and Helga A. G. de Valk demonstrate how childhood migration has declined since the 1970s, highlighting the connection between this trend and the postponement of fertility in Europe. Read more about Moving to a new place during childhood is becoming less common across Europe Image 28/05/2024 The hidden talent pool: Empowering low-qualified persons in the EU labour market The study by Jan Paul Heisig, Carla Hornberg, and Heike Solga highlights that focusing on workplaces and innovative human resource strategies is essential to improving job opportunities for low-qualified workers. The study by Jan Paul Heisig, Carla Hornberg, and Heike Solga highlights that focusing on workplaces and innovative human resource strategies is essential to improving job opportunities for low-qualified workers. Read more about The hidden talent pool: Empowering low-qualified persons in the EU labour market Image 08/04/2024 More income is needed to become a parent Parenthood is being postponed to older ages, but why? In this new study, Daniël van Wijk and Francesco Billari show that an important explanation may be that the level of income that men and women wish to achieve before becoming parents is higher now than it was two decades ago. Parenthood is being postponed to older ages, but why? In this new study, Daniël van Wijk and Francesco Billari show that an important explanation may be that the level of income that men and women wish to achieve before becoming parents is higher now than it was two decades ago. Read more about More income is needed to become a parent
Image 27/06/24 Human Evolutionary Demography Read and download the book This edited volume - edited by Oskar Burger, Ronald Lee and Rebecca Sear - provides an interdisciplinary introduction to the field of Human Evolutionary Demography. This edited volume - edited by Oskar Burger, Ronald Lee and Rebecca Sear - provides an interdisciplinary introduction to the field of Human Evolutionary Demography. Read more about Human Evolutionary Demography
Image 24/01/25 The 7Ds Extended Read and download the report This report by the Martens Centre presents policy recommendations for adapting to demographic change, among other topics. It includes contributions by renowned population experts. This report by the Martens Centre presents policy recommendations for adapting to demographic change, among other topics. It includes contributions by renowned population experts. Read more about The 7Ds Extended
Image 17/05/24 Research Handbook on Intergenerational Inequality More information The Research Handbook on Intergenerational Inequality is motivated by a core question in social science: to what extent does one’s family background and childhood experience predict success in life? The Research Handbook on Intergenerational Inequality is motivated by a core question in social science: to what extent does one’s family background and childhood experience predict success in life? Read more about Research Handbook on Intergenerational Inequality
Image 29/04/24 The Political Dimension of Social Cohesion in Europe Read and download the report By Arnstein Aassve, Alonso Román Amarales, Luciano Hultberg and Annapaola Zenato. This report investigates the political dimensions of social cohesion in Europe, offering a 20-year perspective derived from 10 rounds of the European Social Survey. Read more about The Political Dimension of Social Cohesion in Europe
Image 24/04/24 Living beyond age 105: When the improbable becomes reality Read and download the report By France Meslé, Jacques Vallin, Carlo-Giovanni Camarda, Arianna Caporali, Svitlana Poniakina, Laurent Toussaint and Jean-Marie Robine. The French population includes growing numbers of people over 100 years old: there were 31,000 centenarians in 2024, 30 times more than half a century ago. How many will reach 105 or 110? Read more about Living beyond age 105: When the improbable becomes reality
Image 28/03/24 Geodemography. For a Better Understanding of the World Read the book Using a broad repertoire of exemplary cases drawn from recent world history, Massimo Livi Bacci explores relations among countries and their future. Using a broad repertoire of exemplary cases drawn from recent world history, Massimo Livi Bacci explores relations among countries and their future. Read more about Geodemography. For a Better Understanding of the World
Image 18/06/2024 Ertüchtigen statt entmutigen: Ertüchtigungsstrategien für eine resiliente Zivilgesellschaft Document Download Discussion Paper 21/2024 (1.73 MB) Dieses Diskussionspapier präsentiert Ergebnisse der aktuellen Feldforschung in Deutschland und erörtert die Zusammenhänge zwischen demografischen Veränderungen, regionalen Ungleichheiten, demokratischer Unruhe und dem Aufstieg rechts-populistischer und rechtsextremer Bewegungen. Es stellt auch inspirierende lokale Initiativen vor, die die Demokratie fördern. Dieses Diskussionspapier präsentiert Ergebnisse der aktuellen Feldforschung in Deutschland und erörtert die Zusammenhänge zwischen demografischen Veränderungen, regionalen Ungleichheiten, demokratischer Unruhe und dem Aufstieg rechts-populistischer und rechtsextremer Bewegungen. Es stellt auch inspirierende lokale Initiativen vor, die die Demokratie fördern. Read more about Ertüchtigen statt entmutigen: Ertüchtigungsstrategien für eine resiliente Zivilgesellschaft
Image 18/06/2024 Empowering instead of discouraging: Empowerment strategies for a resilient civil society Document Download Discussion Paper 21/2024 (1.38 MB) This discussion paper shares findings from recent field research in Germany, discussing the connections between demographic changes, territorial inequalities, democratic unease and the rise of right-wing populist and far-right movements. It also explores inspiring local initiatives to promote democracy. This discussion paper shares findings from recent field research in Germany, discussing the connections between demographic changes, territorial inequalities, democratic unease and the rise of right-wing populist and far-right movements. It also explores inspiring local initiatives to promote democracy. Read more about Empowering instead of discouraging: Empowerment strategies for a resilient civil society
Image Towards a New Equality of Place: Leveraging Geospatial Data for Policy Impact Mon Oct 7 Join us in person or online to explore how Mapineq Link can enhance our efforts to address inequality locally and beyond. Register now to join the launch of the Mapineq Link - Interactive Database and Dashboard on 7 October at the WZB in Berlin. This hybrid event will offer both in-person and online participation options.
Image 03/07/2024 Unlocking Social Mobility Across Generations. Challenges and Policy Options This event review summarises the presentations and panel discussions from the second seminar of the EU-funded project "Mapping Inequalities Through the Life Course" (Mapineq), held on 18 June from 15:00 to 16:00 CEST. Read the event review and watch the meeting recording on YouTube to explore the latest trends on social mobility in Europe, delve into its root causes and enduring challenges, and discover effective policy interventions at both national and local levels. Read more about Unlocking Social Mobility Across Generations. Challenges and Policy Options
Image 01/06/24 Expanding our network of stakeholders with innovative events In this project, we have woven the element of exchange between policy and science into all of our activities, starting from day one. The "FutuRes" Project is reaching it's midpoint. We continue to foster transdisciplinary exchange to prepare for Europe’s demographic future. There are more innovative events coming up in the project's Policy Lab after the summer! But first, we inform about the activities of the past quarter.
Image 17/06/24 Outreach Award for Daniela Vono de Vilhena Congratulations to Dr. Daniela Vono de Vilhena, the Deputy Executive Secretary of Population Europe, for receiving the 2024 Outreach Award for Communication in Population Science from the European Association for Population Studies. Congratulations to Dr. Daniela Vono de Vilhena, the Deputy Executive Secretary of Population Europe, for receiving the 2024 Outreach Award for Communication in Population Science from the European Association for Population Studies.
Image 20/06/24 Experience Driven | Evidence Informed | Better Policies. Population Europe launches its Policy Lab The Lab streamlines Population Europe's activities, combining practitioners' experience with the latest scientific evidence to identify innovative solutions and best practices to meet the challenges ahead. The Lab streamlines Population Europe's activities, combining practitioners' experience with the latest scientific evidence to identify innovative solutions and best practices to meet the challenges ahead.
Image 16/05/24 Why Demography Matters. Population and Policy in the 21st Century The High-Level Experts Conference Why Demography Matters. Population and Policy in the 21st Century took place on the 3rd of May 2024. Leading demographers from the Population Europe network along with distinguished policy makers shared their priority areas for policymaking amidst demographic shifts at a High-Level Experts Conference Why Demography Matters. Population and Policy in the 21st Century.
Image 07/05/24 New Partner Institute: Pompeu Fabra University Population Europe welcomes the DemoSoc Research Group to its network. DemoSoc is an interdisciplinary research group specialized in demographic and sociological analysis, as well as labor market and criminology studies. Population Europe welcomes the DemoSoc Research Group, hosted by Pompeu Fabra University to its network.
Image 27/03/24 Population Europe experts and the EU's Vice-President discuss visions for demographic futures The Vice-President and the research experts share an important view: Europe may be ageing - but there is much more to do than to simply paint a negative picture. Invited by the EU Vice-President for Demography and Democracy, Dubravka Šuica, experts from our network met in Brussels. They presented visions for "the Future of the EU through a demographic lens".
Image 24/04/2024 Schrumpfende Bevölkerung – schrumpfender demokratischer Raum? Wie Demografie und Demokratie auf lokaler Ebene zusammenwirken Document Download Population and Policy Brief 44/2024 (144.84 KB) Dieses Policy Brief gibt einen Überblick über den beunruhigenden Zulauf zu populistischen Parteien in verschiedenen europäischen Regionen als eine Form des „Protests” gegen die jeweils vorherrschenden Lebensbedingungen sowie über wirksame (Gegen-)Maßnahmen der Zivilgesellschaft auf lokaler Ebene. Dieses Policy Brief gibt einen Überblick üüber den beunruhigenden Zulauf zu populistischen Parteien in verschiedenen europäischen Regionen als eine Form des „Protests” gegen die jeweils vorherrschenden Lebensbedingungen sowie über wirksame (Gegen-)Maßnahmen der Zivilgesellschaft auf lokaler Ebene. Read more about Schrumpfende Bevölkerung – schrumpfender demokratischer Raum?
Image 23/04/2024 Shrinking Population and Shrinking Democratic Space? Demography and democracy at the local level Document Download Population and Policy Brief 44/2024 (150.93 KB) This policy brief reviews the concerning support for populist parties in different European regions as a form of “protest” against current living conditions and the effective (counter)measures taken by civil society at the local level. In a series of online workshops, experts discussed the concerning support for populist parties in different European regions as a form of “protest” against current living conditions and the effective (counter) measures taken by civil society at the local level. The aim of this policy brief is to highlight the timely and policy-relevant results of this transdisciplinary and transnational dialogue, based on the latest scientific data and practical knowledge shared by eminent experts and practitioners. Read more about Shrinking Population and Shrinking Democratic Space?
Image 10/07/2024 A Symphony for the Ages: Strategies for Classical Music Amid Demographic Shifts By Matthijs Kalmijn and Kène Henkens Historically, concert attendance increases with age across all generations studied: Older adults were never frequent concertgoers in their youth, indicating that interest in classical concerts develops later in life. Historically, concert attendance increases with age across all generations studied: Older adults were never frequent concertgoers in their youth, indicating that interest in classical concerts develops later in life. Read more about A Symphony for the Ages: Strategies for Classical Music Amid Demographic Shifts
Image 10/06/2024 Speeding-up birth intervals: Economic relief but health risks for newborns By Sol Pía Juárez & Enrico Debiasi Family policies can have many unforeseen consequences. By examining Sweden’s “speed premium” policy, introduced in 1980, scholars at Stockholm University show that the policy was associated with a 24% increase in premature birth rates over the six years it was in force. Family policies can have many unforeseen consequences. By examining Sweden’s “speed premium” policy, introduced in 1980, Sol Pía Juárez and Enrico Debiasi show that the policy was associated with a 24% increase in premature birth rates over the six years it was in force. Read more about Speeding-up birth intervals: Economic relief but health risks for newborns
Image 27/05/2024 Fertility decisions in crises: Policy lessons from COVID-19 and the Great Recession By Agnieszka Chłoń-Domińczak & Anna Maliszewska Fertility trends can be relatively crisis-resilient. Numbers from two recent major crises in Europe show this. However, not all countries were able to stabilise or rebuild their fertility trends. New research by the EU-funded FutuRes project’s team at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics looks into resilience as a core concept for demographic change. Based on a recent review of research literature, they discuss how policies can enhance fertility resilience. Birth rates have decreased in all EU countries. Multiple crises have aggravated this trend. However, there are signs of crisis resilience in birth rates and family planning, as new research by the EU-funded project FutuRes shows. Read here what this means for policy. Read more about Fertility decisions in crises: Policy lessons from COVID-19 and the Great Recession
Image 05/07/2024 Regional Insights: Europe's Population Changes Since 2000 Vytenis J. Deimantas, A. Ebru Şanlıtürk, Leo Azzollini and Selin Köksal explore the relationship between population dynamics and policies in Europe, with a focus on subnational regions. Their findings suggest that countries with more pro-natalist policies tend to have higher population decline. Vytenis Juozas Deimantas, A. Ebru Şanlıtürk, Leo Azzollini and Selin Köksal explore the relationship between population dynamics and policies in Europe, with a focus on subnational regions. Their findings suggest that countries with more pro-natalist policies tend to have higher population decline. Read more about Regional Insights: Europe's Population Changes Since 2000
Image 28/06/2024 Air pollution affects students' school performance unequally In this article, Fabrizio Bernardi and Risto Conte Keivabu investigate the effect of exposure to particulate matter (PM2.5) at schools on students’ test scores in Italy. In this article, Fabrizio Bernardi and Risto Conte Keivabu investigate the effect of exposure to particulate matter (PM2.5) at schools on students’ test scores in Italy. Read more about Air pollution affects students' school performance unequally
Image 26/06/2024 International mobility between the UK and Europe around Brexit: a data-driven study How has Brexit affected cross-border human mobility between the UK and the European Union? Recent research at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research investigates this question using official statistics and non-traditional data sources. How has Brexit affected cross-border human mobility between the UK and the European Union? Recent research at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research investigates this question using official statistics and non-traditional data sources. Read more about International mobility between the UK and Europe around Brexit: a data-driven study
Image 18/06/2024 Early childhood education and care: Enhancing learning but not reducing disparities Contrary to recent international research, a study by Markus Laaninen, Nevena Kulic and Jani Erola found that ECEC does not compensate for the achievement of low-SES children in nordic countries. Contrary to recent international research, a study by Markus Laaninen, Nevena Kulic and Jani Erola found that ECEC does not compensate for the achievement of low-SES children in nordic countries. Read more about Early childhood education and care: Enhancing learning but not reducing disparities
Image 05/06/2024 Cuts to child benefits: Some families cannot simply “do more with less” A new study by Gabriele Mari (Erasmus University Rotterdam) explores the long-lasting consequences that certain cuts in public spending may have for parents and children. A new study by Gabriele Mari (Erasmus University Rotterdam) explores the long-lasting consequences that certain cuts in public spending may have for parents and children. Read more about Cuts to child benefits: Some families cannot simply “do more with less”
Image 29/05/2024 Moving to a new place during childhood is becoming less common across Europe Adopting a child-centered perspective, Alon Pertzikovitz, Gusta G. Wachter, and Helga A. G. de Valk demonstrate how childhood migration has declined since the 1970s, highlighting the connection between this trend and the postponement of fertility in Europe. Adopting a child-centered perspective, Alon Pertzikovitz, Gusta G. Wachter, and Helga A. G. de Valk demonstrate how childhood migration has declined since the 1970s, highlighting the connection between this trend and the postponement of fertility in Europe. Read more about Moving to a new place during childhood is becoming less common across Europe
Image 28/05/2024 The hidden talent pool: Empowering low-qualified persons in the EU labour market The study by Jan Paul Heisig, Carla Hornberg, and Heike Solga highlights that focusing on workplaces and innovative human resource strategies is essential to improving job opportunities for low-qualified workers. The study by Jan Paul Heisig, Carla Hornberg, and Heike Solga highlights that focusing on workplaces and innovative human resource strategies is essential to improving job opportunities for low-qualified workers. Read more about The hidden talent pool: Empowering low-qualified persons in the EU labour market
Image 08/04/2024 More income is needed to become a parent Parenthood is being postponed to older ages, but why? In this new study, Daniël van Wijk and Francesco Billari show that an important explanation may be that the level of income that men and women wish to achieve before becoming parents is higher now than it was two decades ago. Parenthood is being postponed to older ages, but why? In this new study, Daniël van Wijk and Francesco Billari show that an important explanation may be that the level of income that men and women wish to achieve before becoming parents is higher now than it was two decades ago. Read more about More income is needed to become a parent