Congratulations to Dr. Daniela Vono de Vilhena, the Deputy Executive Secretary of Population Europe, for receiving the 2024 Outreach Award for Communication in Population Science from the European Association for Population Studies.
According to the jury, the award comes as a recognition of Dr. Vono de Vilhena's work at Population Europe. “Over the last 10 years, Daniela has been very successful as a demographer and in communicating complex demographic research at the science-policy interface, not only at the European level, but also more widely”, said Liili Abuladze on behalf of the jury at the award ceremony in Edinburgh.
Dr. Vono de Vilhena has led stakeholder engagement strategies for many impact-oriented research projects over the past 10 years. Through her long experience working with people in policy, civil society and the private sector, she provides invaluable guidance and advice to our network and partners every day. There can therefore be no doubt for us here at Population Europe that this award is extremely well deserved!
The EAPS' Outreach Award for Communication in Population Science values the "efforts of researchers to share the scope, relevance and outcomes of population studies/demography with audiences within and outside academia. Emphasizing that these efforts are serving the public good, the EAPS Outreach Award celebrates public engagement with population research."
The Outreach Award aims to encourage researchers to better communicate their population research. This, of course, is what Population Europe is all about.
Thank you, Dr. Vono de Vilhena, Daniela, for your consistently excellent work and great support for the cause of Demography in Europe!
Learn more about our impact and stakeholder engagement work at Population Europe.
Award ceremony at the European Population Conference in Edinburgh on June 15 2024.