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News from the Network

News: European Association for Population Studies Awards
The Council of the European Association for Population Studies (EAPS), in collaboration with Springer Nature, is inviting applications for an Editor-in-Chief for its flagship European Journal of Population (EJP).

The Council of the European Association for Population Studies (EAPS), in collaboration with Springer Nature, is inviting applications for an Editor-in-Chief for its flagship European Journal of Population (EJP).

News: New Collaboration Partner: UNFPA Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Population Europe welcomes the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Eastern Europe and Central Asia as its newest collaboration partner!

Population Europe welcomes the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Eastern Europe and Central Asia as its newest collaboration partner!

News: Ageing & Society Seeking a New Editor-In-Chief (Deadline: 6 March 2020)
Cambridge University Press is now inviting applications for a new Editor-in-Chief of Ageing & Society, a leading interdisciplinary and international peer-reviewed journal devoted to the understanding of human ageing and the circumstances of older people in their social and cultural contexts. Deadline: 6 March.

Cambridge University Press is now inviting applications for a new Editor-in-Chief of Ageing & Society, a leading interdisciplinary and international peer-reviewed journal devoted to the understanding of human ageing and the circumstances of older people in their social and cultural contexts. Deadline: 6 March.

News: Kick-off for Research Project FReDA
12.5 Million Euros provided by the German Government for a yearly Family Demography Panel based on GGS
FReDA – The German family demography panel aims at better understanding changes in family and demographic development and ensuring the long-term sustainability of research in Germany on this subject.

The Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB), together with the Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences GESIS and the University of Cologne, is creating a new research basis for a better understanding of changes in family and demographic development. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with 12.5 million euros until 2024 and if the evaluation is positive the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community (BMI) will ensure that funding is continued.

News: ESRC Announces New Funding for Research Methods Training
From the Economic and Social Research Council: We are delighted to announce that we will be investing £2.8m in the National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM) over 5 years until 2024. Continuing into a new phase, the principal aim of the Centre will be to increase research methods capability in the social sciences and beyond through innovative training and capacity-building activities in the application of core and advanced research methods techniques.
Event: NEW DATE: Short Course on Agent-Based Modelling for Social Research
Congratulations to Our Partners and Experts
ERC Consolidator Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they may still be consolidating their own independent research team or programme. We especially congratulate three of the 2019 recipients, who are affiliated with Population Europe as Experts and/or with one of our partner institutions.

ERC Consolidator Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they may still be consolidating their own independent research team or programme. We especially congratulate three of the 2019 recipients, who are affiliated with Population Europe as Experts and/or with one of our partner institutions.

News: European Demographer Award
Deadline: 12 January 2020
Demographic change is one of the major challenges European societies will face in upcoming decades. In order to support outstanding research on the causes and consequences of population developments, Population Europe, the network of Europe’s foremost demographic research institutes, in collaboration with the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft and the Berlin Demography Forum, invites nominations for the European Demographer Award. 

Nominations for the European Demographer Award are due by 12 January 2020. Population Europe, in collaboration with the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft and the Berlin Demography Forum, will present this prize to two researchers at the forefront of population studies on demographic change in Europe.

Internship on the analysis of paradata in a web survey
Deadline: 1 December 2019
In 2018, a Task Force oversaw the revision of our new Baseline questionnaire. We are now busy preparing the new longitudinal, follow-up questionnaire. This new version was streamlined to mirror the changes introduced in the Baseline and to focus on events and changes between waves. In addition, the questionnaire was shortened in order to make room for new modules. At the moment, only the core version is available (i.e. without the new modules).
News: New EU Commission Database on Promising Practices for the Protection of Children in Migration
This publicly available search page enables you to browse the promising practices on the protection of children in migration encoded into the European database. Please note that the European Commission is not conducting any evaluation of the practices, but simply puts the platform at the disposal of practitioners who want to promote their projects. The submitted practices are entirely under the responsibility of the authors.

The EU Commission has created a new database on promising practices for the protection of children in migration. This publicly available search page enables you to browse the promising practices on the protection of children in migration encoded into the European database.