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Books and reports

Books & Reports

This section provides an overview of selected book publications of Population Europe researchers, cooperation partners and from other sources. If available, links guide the user to the publication websites.

What has been the impact of the  COVID-19 pandemic on immigrants?  An update on recent evidence
This policy brief provides new evidence on the impact of the pandemic on immigrant integration in terms of health, labour market outcomes and training, as OECD countries start to recover from the crisis.

This policy brief provides new evidence on the impact of the pandemic on immigrant integration in terms of health, labour market outcomes and training, as OECD countries start to recover from the crisis.

Empirical Analyses of Determinants of Migration Aspirations

By Maryam Aslany, Tone Sommerfelt and Jørgen Carling

This report is devoted to the study of migration aspirations. It relies on an approach that sees migration as a two-step process, differentiating between migration aspirations and migration behaviour, originally formulated as the aspiration/ability model of migration by Jørgen Carling (2002).

This report is devoted to the study of migration aspirations. It relies on an approach that sees migration as a two-step process, differentiating between migration aspirations and migration behaviour, originally formulated as the aspiration/ability model of migration by Jørgen Carling (2002).

Demographic Outlook for the European Union
The latest demographic data show that existing demographic tendencies, such as increasing median age, declining fertility rates and a shrinking working age population, continue to prevail.

This year's edition of the Demographic Outlook for the European Union examines the state of play of the demographic situation in the EU-27, focusing on the impact of digital transformation on different demographic groups.

report cover
Jonas Vestby, Andreas Forø Tollefsen and Halvard Buhaug utilise a sensitivity analysis to show that we likely know less about the effect of temperature and precipitation on international migration flow than what published literature has led us to believe.

Jonas Vestby, Andreas Forø Tollefsen and Halvard Buhaug utilise a sensitivity analysis to show that we likely know less about the effect of temperature and precipitation on international migration flow than what published literature has led us to believe.

Lives report cover
Over the past few decades, we have seen a striking increase in immigration. The UNHCR defines refugees as individuals who, due to conflict or persecution, are forced to flee their country of origin and are unable to return there because of serious threats to life, physical integrity or freedom

Over the past few decades, we have seen a striking increase in immigration. The UNHCR defines refugees as individuals who, due to conflict or persecution, are forced to flee their country of origin and are unable to return there because of serious threats to life, physical integrity or freedom