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Books and reports

Books & Reports

This section provides an overview of selected book publications of Population Europe researchers, cooperation partners and from other sources. If available, links guide the user to the publication websites.

Books and Reports: UNECE Policy Brief: "Older persons in rural and remote areas"
2002 Regional Implementation Strategy of MIPAA, Commitment 2: “To ensure full integration and participation of older persons in society”. Programmes should be aimed at rural and remote areas, where older persons might find themselves isolated, without access to their immediate families or to social and other types of infrastructure. Commitment 7: “To strive to ensure quality of life at all ages and maintain independent living including health and well-being”.
Books and Reports: Social Inequality Across the Generations - The Role of Compensation and Multiplication in Resource Accumulation
Social Inequality Across the Generations provides an innovative perspective on social stratification studies by advancing the theoretical and empirical case for the influence of resource compensation. It examines whether resource compensation is a successful mechanism for social mobility, contrasting it against competing types of resource accumulation such as multiplication. This book is the first to cover extensively the role of compensation in intergenerational attainment – a new and rapidly spreading concept in stratification research.
Books and Reports: Finding Their Way - Labour Market Integration of Refugees in Germany
The report provides a brief overview of the characteristics of recently arrived asylum seekers and discusses current labour market conditions and the outlook for integration. In the preparation of this report, extensive consultations with employers were undertaken. Recent policy initiatives are assessed against good practices from other OECD countries.   Download the report here.
Books and Reports: Primary Care in Denmark
In many ways, primary care in Denmark performs well. Danish primary care is trusted and valued by patients, and is relatively inexpensive. But there are important areas where it needs to be strengthened. Most critically, Danish primary care is relatively opaque in terms of the performance data available at local level. Greater transparency is vital in the next phase of reform and sector strengthening. Robust information on quality and outcomes empowers patients and gives them choice. It can support GPs to benchmark themselves, and engage in continuous quality improvement.
Books and Reports: Is every child counted? Status of data for children in the SDGs
“Is every child counted” provides a status report on the data availability of child related SDG indicators showing that sufficient data is available only for half of those. Many indicators, such as those on poverty and violence cannot be compared, and are either too limited or of poor quality, leaving governments without the information they need to accurately address challenges facing millions of children, or to track progress towards achieving the Goals. The report also identifies priorities for enhancing the collection, analysis and use of data for children.
Books and Reports: Grandfathers - Global Perspectives
This is the first book to bring together international scholars from around the world and from a wide variety of disciplines, to discover what is known about grandfathers and analyse the impact of close involvement with their grandchildren. Within the context of increased divorce rates, single parent families and healthier, more active elders, grandfathers have come out of the shadows and re-invented themselves in a new caring, nurturing role.
Books and Reports: Family Continuity and Change - Contemporary European Perspectives
This volume provides readers with recent sociological approaches to family understanding, theorising and practices within the context of continuities and change, both across generations and during individual life courses. The contributors uniquely investigate the friction between persisting family needs and changing circumstances, between holding on to traditional family norms and adapting to fast-changing demands.
Books and Reports: How Neighborhoods Affect the Health and Well-Being of Older Americans
This report from the Population Reference Bureau summarizes recent research conducted by National Institute on Aging-supported researchers and others who have studied the association between neighborhood characteristics and the health and well-being of older adults. This research can inform policy decisions about community resource allocation and development planning.