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Books and reports

Books & Reports

This section provides an overview of selected book publications of Population Europe researchers, cooperation partners and from other sources. If available, links guide the user to the publication websites.

Books and Reports: "Popolazione e Politica" - E-Book from Neodemos
This book brings together 25 contributions, which appeared on Neodemos within the last two years, and that touch upon a variety of themes shared by a political value, both because they influence its course and because politics is the cause and root of it. Contributions are grouped in five parts: World International migration Integration and foreign presence Family, children, gender Youth, development and welfare.
Books and Reports: World Population & Human Capital in the Twenty-First Century. An Overview
Edited by Wolfgang Lutz, William P. Butz, and Samir KC   An authoritative review and analysis of recent trends and the current state of theory regarding fertility, mortality, migration, and education level for the world's regions Explores how emphasis on educational attainment profoundly influences how we view the world's future Integrates age and sex projections with country-level projections of educational attainment Examines data availability and quality challenges  
Books and Reports: Talent Abroad: A Review of Moroccan Emigrants
Close to 3 million people who were born in Morocco lived in OECD countries in 2010/11. To assess the potential that this group represents for the Moroccan economy, this review looks at the distribution of Moroccan emigrants over OECD countries, as well as their age, sex, and educational attainment. It analyses the labour market outcomes of Moroccan emigrants and documents the characteristics of return migrants in Morocco. Moroccan emigrants primarily reside in France, followed by Spain and Italy, where their numbers grew strongly before flows were affected by the economic crisis.
Books and Reports: Dementia Trends: Implications for an Aging America
With Americans living longer and the large baby boom generation reaching ages 65 and beyond, the sheer numbers of people with conditions of old age—including Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias—are expected to rise dramatically in coming years. But there is some potentially good news: The share of the population with dementia may have fallen over the past 25 years—likely the result of better brain health related to more schooling and aggressive treatment of high blood pressure and diabetes.
Books and Reports: 13th International Review of Leave Policies and Related Research 2017
The International Network on Leave Policies and Research has been producing an annual review of leave policies and related research since 2005 (for earlier reviews, go to the network’s website The content of the review is to the best of our knowledge correct at the time of going to press, but mistakes may occur. If you should have a query or find an error, we would be grateful if you would contact the country note authors as relevant and the editors.
Books and Reports: Migrant Integration Between Homeland and Host Society: Where does the country of origin fit?
In every immigrant, there is always also an emigrant. This truth, which lies at the core of Algerian-French Abdelmalek Sayad’s sociology, inspired INTERACT, a project conducted, 2011–2015, by the Migration Policy Centre of the European University Institute. INTERACT focussed on the integration of first-generation migrants from outside the European Union (EU) and looked, too, at their numerous links with their country of origin.
Books and Reports: A Longitudinal Approach to Family Trajectories in France - The Generations and Gender Survey
Author: Arnaud Régnier-Loilier Adopting a longitudinal approach, this book examines the dynamics of union and family formation in France and its effects on various aspects of life, such as employment, intergenerational transfers, etc. Drawing on data from a survey in which the same respondents were interviewed three times at three-year intervals, the book explores how demographic behaviours are influenced across the life course at individual level and assesses some of their consequences.  
Books and Reports: Understanding the Cost of Welfare
Author: Howard Glennerster The challenge of meeting the growing cost of welfare is one of the most pressing issues facing governments of our time. Glennerster’s authoritative "Understanding the Cost of Welfare" assesses what welfare costs and how it is funded sector-by-sector. The book is written in a clear, accessible style, ideally suited to both teaching and study, and the general reader. This substantially revised third edition includes:
Books and Reports: Youth Family Planning Policy Scorecard: Measuring commitment to effective policy and program interventions
Governments around the world have made great strides in creating policies that support young people. Increasingly, countries have formalized the rights of adolescents and young people to access sexual and reproductive health services. Despite growing commitment from decisionmakers, many barriers remain for young people who want to use contraception.