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The European Research Council has announced the Principal Investigators for their ERC Starting Grants 2023: a total of 400 researchers from 24 countries will receive this prestigious grant.

The European Research Council has announced the Principal Investigators for their ERC Starting Grants 2023: a total of 400 researchers from 24 countries will receive this prestigious grant.

The Institute for Population and Human Studies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the African Institute for Development Policy are now official partners of Population Europe.

The Institute for Population and Human Studies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the African Institute for Development Policy are now official partners of Population Europe.

The Scholarly Migration Database is prepared and hosted at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany.

The new Scholarly Migration Database is prepared and hosted at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany.

With the baseline survey (wave 1) well underway, the GGP is now getting ready for the follow-up survey (wave 2). The follow-up questionnaire has been recently revised and shortened, allowing space for new innovative survey questions to be introduced into the GGS.

The Sequence Analysis Association (SAA) is an international scholarly society and was founded in October 2018, with the aim to promote research, teaching, and diffusion of sequence analysis in the social sciences.

In Spring 2023, the organisation is offering a series of four webinars providing an overview of sequence analysis.