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Policy Insights

Researchers and collaboration partners of Population Europe as well as eminent experts from leading organisations contribute to the debate on demographic developments that are of public interest by providing insights into pressing policy issues.

Werkstattgespräch: Wie verhält sich Wissenschaft in kontroversen politischen Debatten?
Dieses Diskussionspapier geht auf die Ergebnisse eines Werkstattgesprächs mit Expert/innen aus unterschiedlichen wissenschaftlichen Arbeitsbereichen, die an den Schnittstellen von Forschung, Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft arbeiten, zurück. Es fand am 3. Juni 2019 in der Geschäftsstelle der Leopoldina – Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften in Berlin statt.
Urban Depopulation and Loss of Human Capital: An Emerging Phenomenon in the European Union
Depopulation is no longer a phenomenon exclusive to rural areas. It has now expanded to small and medium-sized towns and cities in outflow regions. Young people in these municipalities, mainly those who are highly educated, are more likely to emigrate to the more thriving metropolitan areas. The departure of qualified young people is not compensated for, either numerically or based on the educational level of people who arrive from other places. This situation gives rise to negative migration balances and processes of educational decapitalisation.

<p>Depopulation has now expanded to small and medium-sized towns and cities in outflow regions, especially among highly educated young people. This situation gives rise to negative migration balances and processes of educational decapitalisation.</p>

To Reduce Abortion Incidence, Do Not Restrict Abortion Supply. Reduce Demand.
Making modern contraceptives cheap, available and socially acceptable is the only policy that works in reducing unintended pregnancies, demand for abortion services, and ultimately, abortion incidence.

<p>Making modern contraceptives cheap, available and socially acceptable is the only policy that works in reducing unintended pregnancies, demand for abortion services, and ultimately, abortion incidence.</p>

Does Austerity Really Kill?
Austerity regimes are associated with an increase in overall mortality and suicides. However, this effect is compensated by the decreasing mortality effect due to recessions. The exception is suicide-related mortality, which increases during both times of austerity and recession. These findings are highlighted in a recent paper published in Economics & Human Biology.

<p>Austerity regimes are associated with an increase in overall mortality and suicides. However, this effect is compensated by the decreasing mortality effect due to recessions. The exception is suicide-related mortality, which increases during both times of austerity and recession. These findings are highlighted in a recent paper published in Economics & Human Biology.</p>

Restrictive Migration Policies have Adverse Effects on Migrant Health
Restrictive policies including those pertaining to temporary visas, detention and reduced access to welfare support are linked to a greater risk of poor general and mental health, as well as mortality among migrants, relative to native populations and migrants that did not experience such restrictions. These findings are highlighted in a recent review in The Lancet Global Health.  

<p>Restrictive policies including those pertaining to temporary visas, detention and reduced access to welfare support are linked to a greater risk of poor general and mental health, as well as mortality among migrants, relative to native populations and migrants that did not experience such restrictions.</p>

The Dramatic Residential Insecurity in Spain in the Context of the European Union
Residential insecurity is a threat to the life plans of young European households. It is therefore interesting to ascertain the present situation of households by focusing on the perceptions and opinions of those most concerned. The latest 2016 edition of the European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS) produced by Eurofound offers material for exploring the opinions of households about the short-term (six months) security of their housing.

<p>Young Spanish adults are more fearful than European counterparts of losing a roof over their heads because of being unable to pay (54% compared with 33%). The difference has also increased in recent years as the weight of rental sector has risen. </p>

Supporting All Family Models Equally is Not a Complex Policy Task
Family diversity is not a new phenomenon, and it is here to stay. However, different types of families are not always equally supported by governments. Our recently published book focuses on the “triple bind” of single-parent families, and on the following question: How can societies support all family models? And while it is often suggested that family diversity would require a complex policy design, we believe otherwise. It does not have to be that complicated.
What Links Goethe, Swift and Washington to Us
In den Jahren zwischen 1817 und 1829 veröffentlichte Johann Wolfgang von Goethe seine Novelle Ein Mann von fünfzig Jahren. Es geht darin um die mitunter schmerzhafte Erfahrung des Älterwerdens und des „Ergrauens“, und die sich daraus ergebenden Absurditäten im Zusammenleben von Alt und Jung; oder, wie Jonathan Swift (der kurz vor Goethes Geburt im Alter von 77 Jahren starb) einmal ironisch bemerkte: „Jeder möchte gerne länger leben, aber niemand alt werden“.
What Links Goethe, Swift and Washington to Us
Between 1817 and 1829, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe published his novella The Man of Fifty. It tells the story of the somewhat painful experience of growing old and grey, and the absurdities the relationships between old and young can sometimes take; or, as Jonathan Swift (who died shortly before Goethe was born, at the age of 77) ironically stated: "Every man desires to live long; but no man would like to be old."