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Policy Briefs

Population Europe’s policy brief series “Population & Policy Compact” comprehensively summarises cutting-edge research results and provides policy recommenda­tions on specific population topics. Within four pages, each volume provides a concise and succinct synthesis of key research findings by eminent researchers from the Network and other leading European experts.

Dieses Policy Brief gibt einen Überblick über den beunruhigenden Zulauf zu populistischen Parteien in verschiedenen europäischen Regionen als eine Form des „Protests” gegen die jeweils vorherrschenden Lebensbedingungen sowie über wirksame (Gegen-)Maßnahmen der Zivilgesellschaft auf lokaler Ebene.

Dieses Policy Brief gibt einen Überblick üüber den beunruhigenden Zulauf zu populistischen Parteien in verschiedenen europäischen Regionen als eine Form des „Protests” gegen die jeweils vorherrschenden Lebensbedingungen sowie über wirksame (Gegen-)Maßnahmen der Zivilgesellschaft auf lokaler Ebene.

This policy brief reviews the concerning support for populist parties in different European regions as a form of “protest” against current living conditions and the effective (counter)measures taken by civil society at the local level.

In a series of online workshops, experts discussed the concerning support for populist parties in different European regions as a form of “protest” against current living conditions and the effective (counter) measures taken by civil society at the local level. The aim of this policy brief is to highlight the timely and policy-relevant results of this transdisciplinary and transnational dialogue, based on the latest scientific data and practical knowledge shared by eminent experts and practitioners.

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This brief is an orientation for using anticipatory methods to support policy making. It is based on the recommendations of leading foresight and forecasting experts, who shared their expertise in a workshop in November 2023, which was part of the Policy Lab of the project Towards a Resilient Future of Europe (“FutuRes”).

This brief explains what policymakers should consider when using anticipatory methods in the policy cycle, including the benefits and limits of different approaches. It provides an orientation for policymakers who wish to engage with the future in a scientifically rigorous and actionable way.

The project Mapineq, funded by the European Union, brought together an interdisciplinary group of experts to discuss best practices and adaptations that are needed to fulfil current and future needs of European labour markets.

This Policy Brief is part of the project “Mapping Inequalities through the Life Course” (Mapineq, funded by the European Union). It presents key challenges and adaptations that are needed to fulfil current and future needs of European labour markets.

Dieser Policy Brief gibt einen Überblick über die jüngsten Bevölkerungstrends, deren Potential für politischen Wandel aus einer vergleichenden europäischen Perspektive und enthält Handlungsempfehlungen für lokale Entscheidungsträger*innen und Gemeindevertreter*innen.

Dieser Policy Brief gibt einen Überblick über die jüngsten Bevölkerungstrends, deren Potential für politischen Wandel aus einer vergleichenden europäischen Perspektive und enthält Handlungsempfehlungen für lokale Entscheidungsträger*innen und Gemeindevertreter*innen. 

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This policy brief reviews recent population trends and the potential for policy changes from a European comparative perspective and presents policy recommendations for local decision makers and community leaders.

This Policy Brief reviews recent population trends and the potential for policy changes from a European comparative perspective and presents policy recommendations for local decision makers and community leaders.

This Policy Brief is part of the QuantMig project and presents results from a set of simulations on the impact of high-migration events on the future labour force size in Europe.

This Policy Brief is part of the QuantMig project and presents results from a set of simulations on the impact of high-migration events on the future labour force size in Europe.

How can we better support families with young children today to decrease inequalities among future generations? In November 2022, the Open Research Area DICE (Development of Inequalities in Child Educational Achievement) project organised a High-Level Experts Meeting to discuss this subject with eminent scholars and stakeholders.

How can we better support families with young children today to decrease inequalities among future generations? In November 2022, the Open Research Area DICE (Development of Inequalities in Child Educational Achievement) project organised a High-Level Experts Meeting to discuss this subject with eminent scholars and stakeholders.

On 27 April 2022, the European Commission published a Communication to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on ‘Attracting Skills and Talent to the EU’. We sat down with researchers for them to offer their insights on the proposed initiatives and evaluate policy options based on research evidence.

On 27 April 2022, the European Commission published a Communication to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on ‘Attracting Skills and Talent to the EU’. We sat down with researchers for them to offer their insights on the proposed initiatives and evaluate policy options based on research evidence.