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Books and reports

Books & Reports

This section provides an overview of selected book publications of Population Europe researchers, cooperation partners and from other sources. If available, links guide the user to the publication websites.

Patterns in COVID-19 Mortality and Morbidity in Sweden during the Pandemic Year March 2020-February 2021
Their report analyses the structure of COVID-19-related mortality and morbidity in Sweden during the period March 2020-February 2021.

Their report analyses the structure of COVID-19-related mortality and morbidity in Sweden during the period March 2020-February 2021.

Households and real estate: Strategies of accumulation and inequality in Spain, 2002-2017
In this Perspectives Demogràfiques, they analyse how developments in the real estate market are connected to wealth inequality in Spain.

In this Perspectives Demogràfiques, they analyse how developments in the real estate market are connected to wealth inequality in Spain.

Rediscovering Demography
This dissertation explores how awareness and political action to address an aging population in Germany have been slow to develop and the role that the Third Reich played in it.

This dissertation explores how awareness and political action to address an aging population in Germany have been slow to develop and the role that the Third Reich played in it.

Economic Effects of Partner Loss: Examining vulnerability at the intersection of gender and nativity
The death of a partner has many consequences, including for the economic lives of those they leave behind. Theories predict that these consequences will not only differ by sex but also by nativity.

The death of a partner has many consequences, including for the economic lives of those they leave behind. Theories predict that these consequences will not only differ by sex but also by nativity.

A troubled year: Life satisfaction during the pandemic
This policy briefing describes the findings of a study comparing bi-monthly life satisfaction data collected in May 2020 – March 2021 with the same months in 2018-19.

This policy briefing describes the findings of a study comparing bi-monthly life satisfaction data collected in May 2020 – March 2021 with the same months in 2018-19.