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Books and reports

Books & Reports

This section provides an overview of selected book publications of Population Europe researchers, cooperation partners and from other sources. If available, links guide the user to the publication websites.

Books and Reports: Child Poverty in the OECD - Trends, Determinants and Policies to Tackle it
This paper provides an overview of the main trends in child income poverty since the mid-2000s, and explores to what extent child poverty trends are linked to demographic, policy and/or labour market changes. Trends in poverty and the standard of living of children in low-income families since the onset of the Great Recession are also closely examined: nearly 1 in 7 children is income-poor in the OECD, and child poverty increased in almost two/thirds of OECD countries with the Great Recession.
Books and Reports: Genitori Cercasi - Parents Wanted
Italian society is changing profoundly and rapidly due to the pressure of demographic changes that redesign its composition. Yet the demographic issue does not have a significant presence in the political and media debate and is often faced with generic tones, sufficient enough to satisfy specific curiosities or rhetorical needs, but unsuitable to support a constructive reflection.

Italian society is changing profoundly and rapidly due to the pressure of demographic changes that redesign its composition. Yet the demographic issue does not have a significant presence in the political and media debate and is often faced with generic tones, sufficient enough to satisfy specific curiosities or rhetorical needs, but unsuitable to support a constructive reflection.

In this book, Letizia Mencarini and Daniele Vignoli draw a complete picture of Italy's low fertility. “We could say that we are in the middle of a "demographic trap": The fewer children of the past, who are today's parents, are again increasingly fewer and older. Therefore, they are tying down not only current births, but also future ones.”

Books and Reports: Levels and Trends in Child Mortality Report 2018
A new study by the UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation released on 18 September 2018 reveals that the world has made considerable progress in reducing child mortality since 1990. The under-five morality rate has declined by 58 per cent since 1990, and the number of under-five deaths dropped from 12.6 million in 1990 to 5.4 million in 2017.   Key findings:  The remarkable progress in improving child survival since 1990.
Books and Reports: Fathers, Childcare and Work: Cultures, Practices and Policies Vol: 12
The work-life balance of fathers has increasingly come under scrutiny in political and academic debates. This collection brings together qualitative and quantitative empirical analyses to explore fathers’ approaches to reconciling paid work and care responsibilities. Taking a global perspective, contributors explore how fathers realize and represent their gendered work-care balance and how enterprises and experts, in country specific institutional context, provide formal and informal resources, constrains, expectations and social norms that shape their practices. 
Books and Reports: International Review on Leave Policies and Related Research 2018
The LP&R network produces an annual review of leave policies and related research, it covers Maternity, Paternity and Parental leaves; leave to care for sick children and other employment-related measures to support working parents; and early childhood education and care policy. As well as policies, it provides information on publications and research. 
Books and Reports: Elternschaft und Wohlbefinden / Parenthood and Well-being
Bernhard Riederer (Wittgenstein Centre, IIASA, VID/ÖAW, WU), Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften) untersucht Auswirkungen der Elternschaft auf Glück und Zufriedenheit. Er zeigt, dass das individuelle und gesellschaftliche Umfeld beeinflussen, welche Konsequenzen Kinder für das Wohlbefinden der Eltern haben. In Einklang mit geringen Geburtenraten, Problemen der Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf oder der ‚Regretting Motherhood‘-Debatte erläutert die Glücksforschung, dass sich Kinder in westlichen Gesellschaften tendenziell negativ auf ihre Eltern auswirken.
Books and Reports: Intergenerational Family Relations
This book by Antti O. Tanskanen and Mirkka Danielsbacka offers a synthesis of social science and evolutionary approaches to the study of intergenerational relations, using biological, psychological and sociological factors to develop a single framework for understanding why kin help one another across generations. With attention to both biological family relations as well as in-law and step-relations, it provides an overview of existing studies centred on intergenerational relations – particularly grandparenting – that incorporate social science and evolutionary family theories.
Books and Reports: International Migration Outlook 2018
OECD’s annual publication analysing recent developments in migration movements and policies in its countries. Each edition provides the latest statistical information on immigrant stocks and flows, immigrants in the labour market, and migration policies. Country notes provide detailed policy information for each OECD country and special chapters look at current issues in immigration.
Books and Reports: Demographic Change and Migration
The work of CPC members Jane Falkingham, Maria Evandrou, Saara Hämäläinen, Maja Palmer and Athina Vlachantoni was included in a recent report "Demographic Change and Migration", published as part of the Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) "More Years, Better Lives". Their contributions were included in chapters on "Migrants in the health and social care workforce"; "Migrants in the pension system"; and in the UK’s country report.