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Books and reports

Books & Reports

This section provides an overview of selected book publications of Population Europe researchers, cooperation partners and from other sources. If available, links guide the user to the publication websites.

Books and Reports: Policy Brief: “Broadband Internet, Fertility and Work from Home”
The Sociology of Development section of the American Sociological Association has published a policy brief written by members of the Population Europe network: Francesco C. Billari (Bocconi University), Osea Giuntella (University of Pittsburgh), and Luca Stella (Bocconi University and Institute of Labor Economics, IZA). This brief, "Broadband Internet, Fertility and Work from Home", uses data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) to look at the possible impacts of access to high speed Internet on fertility choices in a low fertility setting.

The Sociology of Development section of the American Sociological Association has published a policy brief written by members of the Population Europe network: Francesco C. Billari (Bocconi University), Osea Giuntella (University of Pittsburgh), and Luca Stella (Bocconi University and Institute of Labor Economics, IZA). This brief, "Broadband Internet, Fertility and Work from Home", uses data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) to look at the possible impacts of access to high speed Internet on fertility choices in a low fertility setting.

Books and Reports: Pathways to Health
This book presents a rigorous enquiry into life course processes that are thought to influence health, integrating the latest methodologies for the study of pathways that link socio-demographic circumstances to health with an emphasis on the mediating factors that lie on these pathways.

This book presents a rigorous enquiry into life course processes that are thought to influence health, integrating the latest methodologies for the study of pathways that link socio-demographic circumstances to health with an emphasis on the mediating factors that lie on these pathways.

Books and Reports: Migration Policy Practice (Vol. IX, Number 2, April–June 2019)
The new edition of Migration Policy Practice focuses on three key and diverse migration topics: measuring the extent of migration in the Global South; comparing immigrant students´ integration; and migration and identity management questions in asylum cases. The first article, by David Ingleby, Ann Singleton and Kolitha Wickramage focuses on how migration is measured in the Global South. It shows that the scale of migration can vary considerably depending on how “developed” and “developing country” are defined.

This report by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and Eurasylum Ltd. focuses on three key and diverse migration topics: measuring the extent of migration in the Global South; comparing immigrant students´ integration; and migration and identity management questions in asylum cases.

Books and Reports: The Challenging Roles of Informal Carers
There are different approaches to responding to the growing longterm care needs of ageing populations across the UNECE region. Societies rely to a varying extent on the unpaid labour of informal carers who cover an estimated 70 to 95 percent of all care needs. While informal unpaid care saves public spending on formal care services, the reliance on informal care has many hidden costs.

Societies rely to a varying extent on the unpaid labour of informal carers. If not adequately supported in their role, informal carers can face negative impacts on their health and well-being; intensive informal caregiving can also result in higher demand and costs for health care as a consequence of its negative impact on the physical and mental health of carers, reduced labour market participation and consequently higher risks of poverty and social exclusion.

Books and Reports: Ageing and Employment Policies: Working Better With Age
People today are living longer than ever before, but what is a boon for individuals can be challenging for societies. If nothing is done to change existing work and retirement patterns, the number of older inactive people who will need to be supported by each worker could rise by around 40% between 2018 and 2050 on average in the OECD area. This would put a brake on rising living standards as well as enormous pressure on younger generations who will be financing social protection systems. Improving employment prospects of older workers will be crucial.

This report by the OECD provides a synthesis of the main challenges faced by countries as workers live longer, as well as policy recommendationsand a set of international best practices to foster employability, labour demand and incentives to work at an older age.

Books and Reports: Inequality in Demographic Behaviour: How Important Are Parents?
Inequality is on the rise across Western societies. A key aspect of inequality is that the life choices and life chances of individuals depend on their social background. This certainly is true for socio-economic outcomes, like how much you earn and the status of your job. But to what extent is this true for demographic behaviour, like leaving home, marriage, parenthood and divorce?

To what extent does demographic behaviour, like leaving home, marriage, parenthood and divorce, influence inequality? 

Books and Reports: Recent Trends in Child and Family Policy in the EU - European Platform for Investing in Children: Annual Thematic Report
This second annual trend report outlines and summarises new policy developments in the area of child and family policy in the 28 EU Member States (EU28), and reports on progress with policies and activities initiated in earlier years. It is drafted as part of the European Platform for Investing in Children (EPIC) project. Definition

This second annual trend report outlines and summarises new policy developments in the area of child and family policy in the 28 EU Member States (EU28), and reports on progress with policies and activities initiated in earlier years. It is drafted as part of the European Platform for Investing in Children (EPIC) project.

Books and Reports: Sustainable Inclusion of Migrants into Society and Labour Market
Currently, roughly 22.3 million third-country nationals were living in the European Union (4.4% of the total EU population). How do we ensure that migrants and refugees fully participate in economic, cultural and social life? This report looks into the different policies, initiatives and practices related to the inclusion of migrants in European labour markets and societies. It focuses in particular on integrated approaches towards migrants’ inclusion and the EU funding available to support it.

This report looks into the different policies, initiatives and practices related to the inclusion of migrants in European labour markets and societies.

Books and Reports: Inequalities in the Access of Young People to Information and Support Services
In recent years, concerns have been expressed at EU and national level that the combined stresses arising from school, parental expectations and societal pressures can make the transition to adulthood difficult for young people – with the risk of a long-lasting negative impact. One way of easing the transition is to provide appropriate information and support services during these critical life-changing years. However, it appears that not all young people have access to such services.

This report describes the characteristics of the young people who face most difficulties in accessing social and health services, the types of services most relevant to them and the main challenges they face in accessing information and support services. It also looks at what service providers can do to ensure they reach young people in need of their support and presents innovative examples of how to tackle inequalities in access to services.

Books and Reports: Progress of the World's Women 2019-2020: Families in a changing world
Families around the world look, feel, and live differently today. Families can be "make or break" for women and girls when it comes to achieving their rights. They can be places of love, care, and fulfillment but, too often, they are also spaces where women’s and girls’ rights are violated, their voices are stifled, and where gender inequality prevails. In today’s changing world, laws and policies need to be based on the reality of how families live.

At a critical juncture for women’s rights, this landmark report proposes a comprehensive family-friendly policy agenda to advance gender equality in diverse families. A package of policies to deliver this agenda is affordable for most countries, according to a costing analysis included in the report. When families are places of equality and justice, economies and societies thrive and unlock the full potential of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The report shows that achieving the SDGs depends on promoting gender equality within families.