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Books and reports

Books & Reports

This section provides an overview of selected book publications of Population Europe researchers, cooperation partners and from other sources. If available, links guide the user to the publication websites.

Books and Reports: More frequent separation and repartnering among people aged 50 and over
Anne Sola (French Institute for Demographic Studies) shows that divorces and union dissolutions have become much more frequent in the last half-century, even among people aged 50 and up.

Anne Sola (French Institute for Demographic Studies) shows that divorces and union dissolutions have become much more frequent in the last half-century, even among people aged 50 and up.

Sustainable Population Development in Finland Report Cover
Edited by Tiia Sorsa, Väestöliitto’s new population policy report, Sustainable Population Development in Finland, examines the trends currently affecting the population of Finland.

Edited by Tiia Sorsa, Väestöliitto’s new population policy report, Sustainable Population Development in Finland, examines the trends currently affecting the population of Finland.

Selecting Qualitative Cases Using Sequence Analysis: A Mixed-Method Strategy for In-Depth Understanding of Life Course Trajectories Report Cover
In this paper, Guillaume Le Roux, Matthias Studer, Arnaud Bringé and Catherine Bonvalet propose a sequence analysis-based method for selecting qualitative cases depending on quantitative results.

In this paper, Guillaume Le Roux, Matthias Studer, Arnaud Bringé and Catherine Bonvalet propose a sequence analysis-based method for selecting qualitative cases depending on quantitative results.

Disease-free life expectancy has not improved in Spain Cover
Pilar Zueras (Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex, and Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics) and Elisenda Rentería (Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics) study indicate that increased life expectancy will also mean that people will live more time with diagnosed diseases unless the present trend is reversed. The most common ailments and conditions include hypertension, chronic back pain, diabetes, and heart disease.

Pilar Zueras (Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex, and Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics) and Elisenda Rentería (Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics) study indicate that increased life expectancy will also mean that people will live more time with diagnosed diseases unless the present trend is reversed. The most common ailments and conditions include hypertension, chronic back pain, diabetes, and heart disease.

Cover of QuantMig Report 2.2
In this paper, Maryam Aslany, Jørgen Carling, Mathilde Bålsrud Mjelva and Tone Sommerfelt comprehensively review the findings of published empirical research on the formation of migration aspirations. That is, they are interested in how individual factors (such as educational attainment or employment status) and contextual factors (such as the quality of public services or the levels of violence and insecurity) help explain who wants to leave and who wants to stay.

In this paper, Maryam Aslany, Jørgen Carling, Mathilde Bålsrud Mjelva and Tone Sommerfelt comprehensively review the findings of published empirical research on the formation of migration aspirations. That is, they are interested in how individual factors (such as educational attainment or employment status) and contextual factors (such as the quality of public services or the levels of violence and insecurity) help explain who wants to leave and who wants to stay.

Cover of Report 'Living, Working, COVID-19"
This report presents the findings of the Living, working and COVID-19 e-survey, carried out by Eurofound and finds that the first round reflected widespread emotional distress, financial concern and low levels of trust in institutions. Levels of concern abated somewhat in the second round, particularly among groups of respondents who were benefiting from support measures implemented during the pandemic.

This report presents the findings of the Living, working and COVID-19 e-survey, carried out by Eurofound and finds that the first round reflected widespread emotional distress, financial concern and low levels of trust in institutions. Levels of concern abated somewhat in the second round, particularly among groups of respondents who were benefiting from support measures implemented during the pandemic.

Are mothers and daughters most important? Report cover
The study by Linda Kridahl, Ann-Zofie Duvander at Stockholm University examines adult children’s propensity to provide personal care to older parents in Sweden by gender of adult child, parental breakup in childhood and parent’s living arrangements.

The study by Linda Kridahl, Ann-Zofie Duvander at Stockholm University examines adult children’s propensity to provide personal care to older parents in Sweden by gender of adult child, parental breakup in childhood and parent’s living arrangements.

Divorce in Europe Book Cover
Divorce in Europe collects the major discussions in divorce research in Europe. Why was divorce increasing so rapidly throughout the US and Europe and do we see signs of a turn? Do cohabitation breakups influence divorce trends or is there a renewed stability on the partner market?

Divorce in Europe edited by Dimitri Mortelmans (Department of SociologyUniversity of Antwerp) collects the major discussions in divorce research in Europe. Why was divorce increasing so rapidly throughout the US and Europe and do we see signs of a turn? Do cohabitation breakups influence divorce trends or is there a renewed stability on the partner market?

Cover of Working Paper "The Urban-Rural Divide in Anti-EU Vote
This paper by Laura de Dominicis, Lewis Dijkstra and Nicola Pontarollo focuses on the urban-rural divide in anti-EU sentiment, and tries to explain why cities – and urban areas in general - in Europe tend to vote less for Eurosceptic parties.

This paper by Laura de Dominicis, Lewis Dijkstra and Nicola Pontarollo focuses on the urban-rural divide in anti-EU sentiment, and tries to explain why cities – and urban areas in general - in Europe tend to vote less for Eurosceptic parties.

Conceptualisation and Analysis of Migration Uncertainty:Insights from Macroeconomics Report Cover
The aim of this paper, building on a conceptual typology of migration uncertainty in Bijak and Czaika, is therefore to provide a deeper understanding of the uncertainty in the context of the tools used for forward-looking studies of migration, and to propose methods for analysing the uncertainty of complex migration processes across the different time horizons, with an explicit acknowledgement of their micro-foundations.

The aim of this paper, building on a conceptual typology of migration uncertainty in Bijak and Czaika, is therefore to provide a deeper understanding of the uncertainty in the context of the tools used for forward-looking studies of migration, and to propose methods for analysing the uncertainty of complex migration processes across the different time horizons, with an explicit acknowledgement of their micro-foundations.