News from the Network

In honor of International Women's Day (IWD), check out some of our publications about research on gender and gender equality.

The American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting takes place in Washington D.C. this February with exhibitors from across the world showcasing their research related to the theme of ‘Science Transcending Boundaries’.

Press Release: Alberto Palloni will coordinate a new ERC Advanced project at CSIC that will demonstrate the theories linking developmental biology, epigenetics and human health and mortality

The winners of the Allianz European Demographer Award 2019 are Ridhi Kasyhap from Oxford University and Bruno Arpino from Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona.

Oxford University will set up a new Centre for Demographic Science with £10 million funding from the Leverhulme Trust. In their announcement, the Trust states: "Demographic research aids society, government and industry to prepare for demands related to population growth and shrinkage, climate change, migration, longevity and ageing, fertility and household change. Our aim is to build an internationally-recognised centre of research excellence that will disrupt, realign and raise the value of demography."

The 8th Berlin Demography Forum (BDF) takes place from 21-22 January 2019 and focuses on the aspects of “Diversity – Social Equity – Cohesion. Perspectives for Germany and Europe”. It aims to bring together leading politicians, scientists, economists, and representatives of international organisations and civil society to debate possible routes towards sustainable development and conveys them to the public at large.

Wie werde ich aussehen, wenn ich richtig alt bin? Gibt es ein Geheimnis für ein langes, gesundes Leben? In der interaktiven Ausstellung „100 Jahre alt werden – aber wie?“ können Besucher auf spielerische und unterhaltsame Art herausfinden, was der viel zitierte „Demografische Wandel“ für das eigene Leben bedeutet.

The recently released SHARE Data & Documentation Tool is a web application developed by CentERdata, Institute for data collection and research, in cooperation with SHARE Central at the Munich Center for the Economics of Aging (MEA). For researchers, the tool is intended to be a fast, customizable, easy-to-use web interface for browsing and searching the SHARE (meta)data. One important feature of the system is that codebooks for all currently released SHARE waves and modules can be generated in PDF format.

IMISCOE has opened nominations for its 2019 Maria Ioannis Baganha Dissertation Award. The Network has awarded this prize annually since 2010 to stimulate and recognise excellent PhD research in the field of migration, integration and social cohesion in Europe. The 2019 competition is open to all PhD recipients whose dissertations were defended within the 24-month period before the deadline for submission of 15 January 2019.

Call for Contributions: A special issue of Social Sciences: "Family and Work: Parental Leave and Careers"