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Population Europe Celebrates International Women's Day

News: Population Europe Celebrates International Women's Day
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In honor of International Women's Day (IWD), check out some of our publications about research on gender and gender equality.

Our latest Discussion Paper "Gender (In)Equality over the Life Course" captures the state-of-the-art research in the field of gender (in)equality. The contributions present in a condensed version the key theories, socio-demographic trends and remaining questions regarding gender (in)equality across multiple domains of life. All of the articles draw their empirical evidence from data from the Generations & Gender Programme (GGP), which is a social science research infrastructure devoted to the study of the life course and family dynamics.

Even though there are more single father families, single mothers still make up the biggest share of lone families, which is why our Policy Brief "Supporting Lone Parents and Their Children in Europe" is a relevant publication to read on IWD. This brief also argues for more gender equality for all by offering childcare benefits, well-paid parental leave and care credits in pension systems to all parents, and by creating measures to effectively reduce class inequalities, particularly by tackling female disadvantages on the labour market.

For some shorter reads to quickly catch you up on some gender equality research, check out some of our PopDigests and Research News:

  • "Could a Basic Income Challenge Gender Equality?" Alison Koslowski and Ann-Zofie Duvander discuss the idea of a basic income from a perspective of gender equality in the Swedish context, where family policies have already led to high levels of female labour force participation and gender equality.
  • "Equality Often Ends with the Birth of the First Child" Researchers María José González, Irene Lapuerta, Teresa Martín-García and Marta Seiz  found that, contrary to their expectations, an equal division of domestic work does not automatically lead to an equal division of childcare.
  • "Equality at Home is a Question of Her Career" Recent years have seen more equitable arrangements spread across Europe, but a new study by Susanne Fahlén confirms that this tends to be despite men, not because of them.
  • "Will Our Children Live More Equally?" A study on parent-child transmission of gender roles in Spain by researchers Marc Ajenjo Cosp and Joan García Román shows that indeed, if more egalitarian values are being communicated to the new generations, they will presumably reproduce this behaviour in the future.