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Pop digests


PopDigests are short, comprehensive summaries of research results with a link to the original publication (if accessible online). This allows population experts and other interested audiences to be able to easily access information to the latest research results. 

Woman holding wine and cigarrete
Fanny Janssen (Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) and University of Groningen (UoG)) and colleagues introduce a novel mortality forecasting technique that takes into account both the impact of smoking, obesity and alcohol on mortality trends and the mortality experience of forerunner populations.

Fanny Janssen (Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) and University of Groningen (UoG)) and colleagues introduce a novel mortality forecasting technique that takes into account both the impact of smoking, obesity and alcohol on mortality trends and the mortality experience of forerunner populations.

Shot of stressed business woman working from home on laptop looking worried, tired and overwhelmed.
Anna Barbuscia (University of Lausanne and Ined) and Chiara Comolli (Stockholm University and University of Lausanne) examine the development of wellbeing across age by gender and education in France and Switzerland.

Anna Barbuscia (University of Lausanne and Ined) and Chiara Comolli (Stockholm University and University of Lausanne) examine the development of wellbeing across age by gender and education in France and Switzerland.

Painting of Two People facing away
Sascha Spikic (University of Antwerp), Dimitri Mortelmans (University of Antwerp) and Inge Pasteels (PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts) examine the replicability of a divorce-induced personality change.

Sascha Spikic (University of Antwerp), Dimitri Mortelmans (University of Antwerp) and Inge Pasteels (PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts) examine the replicability of a divorce-induced personality change.

Black woman wearing a mask
Bruno Arpino (University of Florence) and Marta Pasqualini (OSC, Sciences Po) examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on feelings of depression in Italy according to three dimensions: age, gender and type of negative events experienced during the first nationwide lockdown.

Bruno Arpino (University of Florence) and Marta Pasqualini (OSC, Sciences Po) examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on feelings of depression in Italy according to three dimensions: age, gender and type of negative events experienced during the first nationwide lockdown.

Old family photo in black and white
Rafael Costa (Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute), Philippe Bocquier (Université catholique de Louvain) and Thierry Eggerickx (Université catholique de Louvain) explore the role of diffusion mechanisms in the historical process of fertility decline.

Rafael Costa (Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute), Philippe Bocquier (Université catholique de Louvain) and Thierry Eggerickx (Université catholique de Louvain) explore the role of diffusion mechanisms in the historical process of fertility decline.

Serious Woman Having Consultation With Male Doctor In Hospital Office
Jasmin Passet-Wittig (German Federal Institute for Population Research) and Arthur L. Greil (Alfred University) provide a comprehensive review of 39 studies from 11 developed countries, discuss their conceptual and methodological problems and suggest avenues for further research.

Jasmin Passet-Wittig (German Federal Institute for Population Research) and Arthur L. Greil (Alfred University) provide a comprehensive review of 39 studies from 11 developed countries, discuss their conceptual and methodological problems and suggest avenues for further research.

Silhouettes of refugees people searching new homes or life due to persecution
Matthew Wallace (Stockholm University) and Ben Wilson (Stockholm University London School of Economics) look to see if age differences in the migrant mortality advantage is genuine.

Matthew Wallace (Stockholm University) and Ben Wilson (Stockholm University London School of Economics) look to see if age differences in the migrant mortality advantage is genuine.

Childfree checkbox checked
Marco Albertini (University of Bologna) and Elisa Brini (University of Trento) focus on the analysis of voluntary childlessness of women and men in Europe, using data from the Generations and Gender Survey

Marco Albertini (University of Bologna) and Elisa Brini (University of Trento) focus on the analysis of voluntary childlessness of women and men in Europe, using data from the Generations and Gender Survey

Three people with an open book
Christoph Bein (NIDI-KNAW & University of Groningen), Monika Mynarska (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw) and Anne Gauthier (NIDI-KNAW & University of Groningen) investigate whether highly religious people perceive higher benefits and lower costs of having children than the less religious.

Christoph Bein (Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI-KNAW) & University of Groningen), Monika Mynarska (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw) and Anne Gauthier (NIDI-KNAW & University of Groningen) investigate whether highly religious people perceive higher benefits and lower costs of having children than the less religious.

Workers assembling and constructing gas turbines in a modern industrial factory
An article in International Migration Review by Louise Caron and Mathieu Ichou (Institut National d’Etudes Démographiques, INED) refines the understanding of the role of unemployment at one’s destination on remigration behaviours.

An article in International Migration Review by Louise Caron and Mathieu Ichou (Institut National d’Etudes Démographiques, INED) refines the understanding of the role of unemployment at one’s destination on remigration behaviours.