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Pop digests


PopDigests are short, comprehensive summaries of research results with a link to the original publication (if accessible online). This allows population experts and other interested audiences to be able to easily access information to the latest research results. 

Birth Weight Matters for Both Short- and Long-Term Health Outcomes
To date, a large number of researchers have documented associations between lower birth weight and a range of health problems later in life. However, for a substantial amount of existing studies, it is unclear whether these associations reflect causality. Aiming at providing causal evidence in this field of research, Jonas Helgertz (University of Minnesota and Lund University) and Anton Nilsson (Lund University) analysed full-population Swedish register data on siblings and twins born between 1973 and 1994, and followed until 2011.

Jonas Helgertz (University of Minnesota and Lund University) and Anton Nilsson (Lund University) analysed full-population Swedish register data on siblings and twins born between 1973 and 1994, and followed until 2011. This is one of the first studies to look at the effect of birth weight on sick days in adulthood.

Reforms to Boost Student Mobility Are Not Helping the Lower Social Class in Italy
Student mobility is an important yet neglected component of social mobility: In principle, it could foster social mobility, but its role in preserving or dismantling social inequalities is still largely under-investigated in Europe. Besides the fact that higher education reforms at the European Union (EU) and national levels have incentivised young people to study abroad from their home region, its impact on social mobility is yet to be understood.

Student mobility could foster social mobility, but its role in preserving or dismantling social inequalities is still largely under-investigated in Europe. Besides the fact that higher education reforms at the European Union (EU) and national levels have incentivised young people to study abroad from their home region, its impact on social mobility is yet to be understood.

Does Family Structure Relate to Children’s Physical Health?
A new study based on the Millennium Cohort Study, a nationally-representative longitudinal survey of children born in 2000-2 and living in the United Kingdom, explored the association between family structure trajectories and early physical health, as opposed to more commonly reported outcomes such as cognitive development or behaviour in older children.

A new study based on the Millennium Cohort Study, a nationally-representative longitudinal survey of children born in 2000-2 and living in the United Kingdom, explored the association between family structure trajectories and early physical health, as opposed to more commonly reported outcomes such as cognitive development or behaviour in older children.

Is Climate Change Affecting Trends in Mortality?
As a consequence of the climate becoming warmer, the world population is more exposed to moderate and extreme warm temperatures and less exposed to moderate and extreme cold temperatures, which may affect health outcomes. Many studies have shown both a negative and positive long-term net effect in mortality depending on the location and magnitude of the warming. However, most of these analyses did not take into account how vulnerable individuals are to these changes.

Daniel Devolder and Joan Ballester (Centre for Demographic Studies, Autonomous University of Barcelona, and Barcelona Institute for Global Health) explored mortality and temperature data from the Spanish National Institute of Statistics and the European Climate Assessment and Dataset project, respectively. The study, published in the prestigious journal The Lancet Planetary Health, is the first to comprehensively assess the impact of the 1°C increase in ambient temperature, observed in Spain since 1980, on mortality due to cardiovascular disease by sex and age.

Let’s Start From the Beginning!
To understand immigrants’ situation properly, it is important to grasp both their own perceptions of their position in the new society and the life they left behind when they migrated. Taking a step in this direction, Per Engzell (Nuffield College, University of Oxford and Swedish Institute for Social Research, Stockholm University) and Mathieu Ichou (Institut National d'Études Démographiques) studied immigrants’ self-perceived status, measured as subjective social status, and perceived financial situation in the destination countries.

To understand immigrants’ situation properly, it is important to grasp both their own perceptions of their position in the new society and the life they left behind when they migrated. Per Engzell (Nuffield College, University of Oxford and Swedish Institute for Social Research, Stockholm University) and Mathieu Ichou (Institut National d'Études Démographiques) studied immigrants’ self-perceived status, measured as subjective social status, and perceived financial situation in the destination countries.

Latin American Convergence and Divergence Towards the Mortality Profiles of Developed Countries
Why do people in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) live shorter lives than those in the developed countries? Is LAC approaching the levels of life expectancy and population health of the most developed regions in the world? A new study published in a leading journal of demography looks at health and mortality of 20 LAC countries during the period between 2000 and 2014.

Why do people in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) live shorter lives than those in the developed countries? Is LAC approaching the levels of life expectancy and population health of the most developed regions in the world? A new study looks at health and mortality of 20 LAC countries during the period between 2000 and 2014.

Working After Retirement
A study by Ellen Dingemans and Kène Henkens analysed life satisfaction between full retirees and working retirees in Europe. Using data from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), they looked at retirees in 16 European countries. Overall, they found that the relationship between life satisfaction and working after retirement is related to where one lives, the individual’s pension income, and whether one still has a partner or not.

A study by Ellen Dingemans and Kène Henkens analysed life satisfaction between full retirees and working retirees in Europe. Overall, they found that the relationship between life satisfaction and working after retirement is related to where one lives, the individual’s pension income, and whether one still has a partner or not.

Policy-Relevant Demography Is Not Restricted to Humans Only
An article recently published in the renowned journal PNAS indicates a substantial lack of data on various species – which we would need for a better understanding of the dynamics of population developments and how our planet will change during upcoming decades.

An article recently published in the renowned journal PNAS indicates a substantial lack of data on various species – which we would need for a better understanding of the dynamics of population developments and how our planet will change during upcoming decades.

Less Liberal Than on Paper
One of the most crucial and emotional subjects of current bio-ethical debates is the question of abortion. Women (and their partners) who face such a decision are confronted with a contradictory situation: Abortion has become legal in almost all European and western countries. Yet, the implementation of the law, the daily practise of the respective physicians and clinics, or the regulations for funding an abortion by the healthcare systems are subject to big disputes between politicians, religious leaders and female activists.

Sarah Carol (University of Cologne) and Nadja Milewski (University of Rostock) carried out two studies that investigated the attitudes toward abortion among natives and immigrants living in cities in several European countries. Both studies revealed that there is large variation in the attitudes toward abortion among the inhabitants of Europe.