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Policy Insights

Researchers and collaboration partners of Population Europe as well as eminent experts from leading organisations contribute to the debate on demographic developments that are of public interest by providing insights into pressing policy issues.

Demographic Overheating?
In his recent book Overheating: An Anthro­pology of Accelerated Change, anthropolo­gist T. H. Eriksen astutely applies thermo­dynamic concepts to explain the economic, environmental, and identity challenges endemic to globalization that are endan­gering social reproduction. The point of friction, he argues, is a matter of scale: The challenges are global in scope but manifest at the local level. Eriksen points to overpopulation, climate change, and the accelerated production of residue—both in terms of waste and redundant people—as signs of overheating.
Migration: Freedom, Control, and Resilience
by Jakub Bijak Full control over international migration is an illusion, not only in the context of large-scale refugee crises. There is large inertia in social, economic, political and legal processes underpinning migration, next to the vested interests of various actors, institutions, and sectors of the economy. That makes migration difficult to control in the short run, even if there is a will to do so.