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Policy Insights

Researchers and collaboration partners of Population Europe as well as eminent experts from leading organisations contribute to the debate on demographic developments that are of public interest by providing insights into pressing policy issues.

Three years after Covid-19 first hit Europe, it can be said that older people were among the groups most affected by the pandemic. At the same time, older people were in some ways more equipped to adapt to the reality of this social crisis – as they had lived through others before. This capacity to withstand and cope has recently been discussed as “resilience”. But what, exactly, is resilience? And how can older people’s resilience inform future policies?
Formal adult education can help promote gender equality by fostering female employment and reducing women’s disadvantages in the labour market. This can be achieved with policies that enhance work-family balance and thus reduce barriers for mothers to invest in their further education.
The challenge of adapting to demographic changes is now more than ever on the EU agenda. It is essential to keep the demography agenda alive, strong and relevant even beyond the EU elections in 2024.

The challenge of adapting to demographic changes is now more than ever on the EU agenda. It is essential to keep the demography agenda alive, strong and relevant even beyond the EU elections in 2024.

Puzzle of the EU with the UK missing
While the EU implements initiatives that move toward equality between immigrant and resident workers, the UK, in contrast, has become more unequal for working immigrants compared to UK residents due to the removal of the distinction between workers from EU member states and third-country workers.

While the EU implements initiatives that move toward equality between immigrant and resident workers, the UK, in contrast, has become more unequal for working immigrants compared to UK residents due to the removal of the distinction between workers from EU member states and third-country workers.

Mother with her todler
Daycare centers and schools closed, little support for childcare outside the home, and frequent remote work from home: this situation during the first COVID-19 wave in the spring of 2020 led to a significant increase in stress and exhaustion in Germany, especially among mothers of young children living in partnerships.

Daycare centers and schools closed, little support for childcare outside the home, and frequent remote work from home: this situation during the first COVID-19 wave in the spring of 2020 led to a significant increase in stress and exhaustion in Germany, especially among mothers of young children living in partnerships.