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Policy Insights

Researchers and collaboration partners of Population Europe as well as eminent experts from leading organisations contribute to the debate on demographic developments that are of public interest by providing insights into pressing policy issues.

Doomed to Compare
Population science is a fortunate discip­line, methodologically speaking. As demo­graphers, we enjoy a wealth of available data and our subjects—birth, partnership, death, movement—are fairly clear cut. They are also easily subjected to interna­tional comparisons, which offer insight into general and country-specific trends.
The European Refugee Crisis
by Jakub Bijak Forced migration, related to armed conflict or persecution is unpredictable [1]. Crises such as the recent one in Syria happen frequently all over the world, forcing many people to flee and seek asylum outside of their home countries. In the Syrian case, over four million refugees have already been registered outside of Syria by October 2015.
Family is Closely Concerned With All of The EU’s Headline Targets
Population Europe: What is the EU’s interest in research on families?   Marc Goffart: The EU’s research interest in families dates back to the late ‘80s, but actual policy developments (at the EU and international level, such as the OECD) are of more recent nature, which have initially centred around the demographic developments in Europe.