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Books and Reports

Work-Life Balance In Europe. The Role Of Job Quality

This book, edited by Sonja Drobnič and Ana M. Guillén, addresses tensions between work and private life. The amount of time spent on work, nature and design of the job, and working conditions in general influence the degree to which people are able to combine work and other important parts of life, such as family, care and social life. The eleven chapters of this volume explore job quality, job security, working conditions and time-use patterns of individuals and households. They also look at institutional contexts, such as family policy and other country characteristics.
Books and Reports: Work-Life Balance In Europe. The Role Of Job Quality

This book, edited by Sonja Drobnič and Ana M. Guillén, addresses tensions between work and private life. The amount of time spent on work, nature and design of the job, and working conditions in general influence the degree to which people are able to combine work and other important parts of life, such as family, care and social life. The eleven chapters of this volume explore job quality, job security, working conditions and time-use patterns of individuals and households. They also look at institutional contexts, such as family policy and other country characteristics. The authors show which work-related demands and resources interfere with, or facilitate, work-life balance, and how these factors interact with institutional settings. (Palgrave Macmillan 2011)