Calls for Papers Event Series Tuesday Dialogues / Dienstagsdialoge Upcoming Events / Nächste Termine Berlin Demography Days / Berliner Demografie-Tage Advisory Board / Beirat Archive of Former Berlin Demography Days FutuRes Policy Lab March 2024: Population policymakers meet for dialogue across borders November 2023: High-Level Policy Expert Workshop June 2023 Public Dialogue: Work Better to Work Longer? European Day of Demography European Day of Demography 2023 Past Population Europe Events Event Reviews Recordings of Past Events October 2024: Towards a New Equality of Place: Leveraging Geospatial Data for Policy Impact 5 November 2024: Falling birth rates: 5 policy options that help families October 2024: Tuesday Dialogue - Re-thinking family generations: diverse life courses and how they relate to social inequality Die Bundestagswahl im Demografischen Wandel Events Filter by topic AllAgeing and Life ExpectancyEnvironmentFamily and ChildrenHealthMigration and IntegrationProjections and ForecastsSociety and SolidarityWorking Life Order by Date "How Will Robots Change my Job?" In Touch with Tomorrow 01 April "In Touch with Tomorrow" is the new series by the FutuRes Policy Lab. The next talk will take place on April 1, 2025, with the following topic: "How Will Robots Change my Job? Automation and Policies of Resilience" Reviving Regions: Building a Future Where People Can Afford to Stay 01 April Join our expert speakers as we explore practical examples and strategies for addressing local challenges, fostering growth, enhancing collaboration, and revitalizing communities. Die Bundestagswahl 2025 im demografischen Wandel 03 April Wie lässt sich das Ergebnis der Bundestagswahl 2025 vor dem Hintergrund größerer demografischer Entwicklungen, wie Migration und alternde Bevölkerung erklären? Tuesday Dialogue - What matters to us - how different are younger and older people really? 08 April Tuesday Dialogue with Prof. Dr. Stefan Liebig, Professor of Sociology, Social Structure and Survey Methodology, Institute of Sociology, Freie Universität Berlin / Member of the Consortium of the Einstein Center Population Diversity Revitalising Regions: Strengthening Attractiveness through Education 09 April Join our expert speakers as we explore practical examples and strategies for addressing local challenges, fostering growth, enhancing collaboration, and revitalizing communities. Expert Online Workshop on Cultural Demography 30 April The Expert Online Workshop on Cultural Demography is part of the ongoing Policy Lab initiative and will discuss how conceptual debates from the humanities can help to better understand the underlying norms shaping policy processes and demographic research. Tuesday Dialogue - Demography, families and housing: how to best address a population’s housing needs 13 May Tuesday Dialogue with Prof. Dr. Clara H. Mulder, Professor of Demography, University of Groningen, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, Population Research Centre Tuesday Dialogue - Working into old age? (Political) conditions and limits to working until and beyond retirement age 03 June Tuesday Dialogue with Prof. Dr. Dirk Hofäcker, Professor of Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research at the University of Duisburg-Essen Tuesday Dialogue - Why perceptions of social inequality and fairness are often wrong - and why they are important nonetheless 08 July Tuesday Dialogue with Prof. Dr. Claudia Diehl, Professor of Microsociology and Co-speaker of the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality " at the University of Konstanz Berliner Demografie-Tage 2025 27 October Welche Auswirkungen haben demografische Veränderungen auf die Demokratie? Wie kann aus demografiepolitischer Perspektive antidemokratischen Ressentiments entgegengewirkt werden? Vor welche Herausforderungen wird unsere demokratische Gesellschaft in Zeiten demografischer Veränderungen gestellt? Tuesday Dialogues / Dienstagsdialoge The Future of Our Living Together
"How Will Robots Change my Job?" In Touch with Tomorrow 01 April "In Touch with Tomorrow" is the new series by the FutuRes Policy Lab. The next talk will take place on April 1, 2025, with the following topic: "How Will Robots Change my Job? Automation and Policies of Resilience"
Reviving Regions: Building a Future Where People Can Afford to Stay 01 April Join our expert speakers as we explore practical examples and strategies for addressing local challenges, fostering growth, enhancing collaboration, and revitalizing communities.
Die Bundestagswahl 2025 im demografischen Wandel 03 April Wie lässt sich das Ergebnis der Bundestagswahl 2025 vor dem Hintergrund größerer demografischer Entwicklungen, wie Migration und alternde Bevölkerung erklären?
Tuesday Dialogue - What matters to us - how different are younger and older people really? 08 April Tuesday Dialogue with Prof. Dr. Stefan Liebig, Professor of Sociology, Social Structure and Survey Methodology, Institute of Sociology, Freie Universität Berlin / Member of the Consortium of the Einstein Center Population Diversity
Revitalising Regions: Strengthening Attractiveness through Education 09 April Join our expert speakers as we explore practical examples and strategies for addressing local challenges, fostering growth, enhancing collaboration, and revitalizing communities.
Expert Online Workshop on Cultural Demography 30 April The Expert Online Workshop on Cultural Demography is part of the ongoing Policy Lab initiative and will discuss how conceptual debates from the humanities can help to better understand the underlying norms shaping policy processes and demographic research.
Tuesday Dialogue - Demography, families and housing: how to best address a population’s housing needs 13 May Tuesday Dialogue with Prof. Dr. Clara H. Mulder, Professor of Demography, University of Groningen, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, Population Research Centre
Tuesday Dialogue - Working into old age? (Political) conditions and limits to working until and beyond retirement age 03 June Tuesday Dialogue with Prof. Dr. Dirk Hofäcker, Professor of Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research at the University of Duisburg-Essen
Tuesday Dialogue - Why perceptions of social inequality and fairness are often wrong - and why they are important nonetheless 08 July Tuesday Dialogue with Prof. Dr. Claudia Diehl, Professor of Microsociology and Co-speaker of the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality " at the University of Konstanz
Berliner Demografie-Tage 2025 27 October Welche Auswirkungen haben demografische Veränderungen auf die Demokratie? Wie kann aus demografiepolitischer Perspektive antidemokratischen Ressentiments entgegengewirkt werden? Vor welche Herausforderungen wird unsere demokratische Gesellschaft in Zeiten demografischer Veränderungen gestellt?