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News from the Network

News: Population Europe researcher elected to US National Academy of Sciences
IIASA World Population Program Director Wolfgang Lutz was successful in the competitive membership election process of the pan-European Academy of Humanities, Letters, Law, and Sciences.

IIASA World Population Program Director Wolfgang Lutz was successful in the competitive membership election process of the pan-European Academy of Humanities, Letters, Law, and Sciences.

News: Kieron Barclay Appointed as Pro Futura Scientia XIV Fellow
The Sociology Department at Stockholm University announced that docent of Sociology Kieron Barclay was recently appointed a Pro Futura Scientia XIV Fellow, with the project "The Impact of the Family of Origin on Health Inequalities: A Global, Historical, Multigenerational, and Comparative Perspective". The appointment is a five year research grant that includes Kieron Barclay being employed as a senior lecturer at the end of the five-year period.

The Sociology Department at Stockholm University announced that docent of Sociology Kieron Barclay was recently appointed a Pro Futura Scientia XIV Fellow, with the project "The Impact of the Family of Origin on Health Inequalities: A Global, Historical, Multigenerational, and Comparative Perspective".

News: 8th Berlin Demography Forum (BDF)
2019 Diversity - Social Equity - Cohesion: Perspectives for Germany and Europe
The Berlin Demography Forum has now released documentation from the 2019 Forum. This includes an introduction by Franz Müntefering, former German Minister and Chairman of the BDF, and Ulrich Lilie, President of Diakonie Deutschland and Member of the BDF Board of Advisors, and transcripts of the speeches of:
News: The 2019 "Population" Young Author Prize
Deadline: 5 November 2019
The Population Young Author Prize is open to students or young researchers working in the field of population studies and will be awarded to the most outstanding original paper submitted to the competition jury.   Who is eligible to compete? Students enrolled in PhD or Master’s programs Young researchers who have defended their PhD thesis in the last seven years   What papers are eligible to compete?  

The Population Young Author Prize is open to students or young researchers working in the field of population studies and will be awarded to the most outstanding original paper submitted to the competition jury.

News: Population Europe at the 2019 PAA
This year, Population Europe will be travelling to Austin, Texas to participate in the Population Association of America's annual conference. We will be there to meet with members of our network, learn about the ongoing research happening in the field of demography, and, most importantly, to help keep people updated with what is going on at the conference through our tweets.

Population Europe will be in Austin next week for the 2019 PAA!

News: Demography Prize 2019
Essay contest on the housing crisis - Deadline 1 December 2019
Write an essay on: "Housing Crisis: how can we improve the situation for young people?"   Deadline to submit essays: 1 December 2019

The Stuttgart-based Foundation for the Rights of Future Generations (FRFG) and the London-based Intergenerational Foundation (IF) jointly award the biennial Demography Prize to essay-writers who address political and demographic issues pertaining to the field of intergenerational justice.

News: ERC Advanced Grants for Hill Kulu and Melinda Mills
Population Europe is delighted to announce that two of our partner institutes will be the home of outstanding projects financed by the prestigious ERC Advanced Grant. 

Population Europe is delighted to announce that Melinda Mills and Hill Kulu from two of our partner institutes will be home of outstanding projects financed by the prestigious ERC Advanced Grant. 

News: Véronique Hertrich
It is with great sadness that we announce her passing
Population Europe was saddened to hear that Dr. Véronique Hertrich passed away. She was supportive of our Network and was a member of our Council of Advisors. We send our condolences to her family, friends, and her colleagues at INED.   Official Announcement from INED Ms. Hertrich joined INED in 1992, while she completing her PhD thesis on the Bwa people of Mali, a population group she would follow for more than a quarter of a century.