Online Workshop: Breaking the vicious cycle? Depopulation and provision of public services
Tuesday, 24 January 2023
We invited prominent experts from science, policy and civil society and citizens to discuss place-based solutions and digital tools to provide services and maintain infrastructure in depopulating regions. How can we boost administrative collaboration at the local level? Are digital tools a reliable instrument to improve the quality of life in shrinking regions?
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Online Workshop: Planning for the future: How can local communities adapt to population changes?
Tuesday, 21 March 2023
Distinguished experts from science, policy and civil society were invited to exchange about the role of local administrations in adapting to changes in their population. How can local administrations be better prepared for shrinking and ageing populations? How can we support local decision-making with more access to data and knowledge about the increasing demographic diversity?
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Online Workshop: Welcoming newcomers: What works at the local level?
Thursday, 20 April 2023
Prominent experts from science, policy and civil society were invited to discuss social cohesion and inclusion in the local context: How can we support depopulating and rural communities with better inclusion and integration policies? What are the capacities at the local level to welcome newcomers? How can we achieve structures and instruments of sustainable inclusion?
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Online Workshop: Feeling “left behind”? Demography and democracy at the local level
Tuesday, 17 October 2023
Prominent experts from science, policy and civil society were invited to discuss the relationship between demographic changes, territorial inequalities and the rise of anti-democratic attitudes, especially in supposedly “left-behind” regions. Should we understand the support for anti-EU and anti-migration parties in various regions as a form of “protest” against current living conditions? Could the social and political exclusion or emotions like loneliness, fear, deprivation foster long-term anti-democratic attitudes?
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Online Workshop: Shrinking population and shrinking democratic space? Lessons from civil society
Thursday, 16 November 2023
Prominent experts from science, policy and civil society were invited to discuss the relationship between demographic changes, territorial inequalities and the rise of anti-democratic attitudes. A special focus will be given to the effective (counter)measures by civil society: Can civil society counter the anti-democratic and anti-diversity forces at the local level? How can decision takers and policymakers strengthen the civic engagement for inclusion and social cohesion?
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