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Men’s Health and Co-residence with Older Generations in Russia
With the increasing housing prices and the need to take care of an ageing population, many young generations are living together with their parents, parents-in-law or grandparents (here forth, older generations). Previous research confirms the importance of intergenerational living arrangements (ILAs) for health, but it is still unclear whether ILA is beneficial or detrimental for one’s health.
A Better Understanding of Subjective Wellbeing in Older Age
In today’s ageing societies, assessing subjective well-being  in later life has gained substantial attention among researchers, as well as among policymakers in the areas of economic, health, and social policies. However, remarkably little is known about how older adults understand their own subjective well-being and related concepts, such as quality of life, and how these concepts differ between different groups of older adults.
Adult Mortality Patterns in the Former Soviet Union’s Southern Tier
Mortality trends in former Soviet Republics differ substantially among countries. While these trends have been well-documented for Russia and other northern former Soviet Republics, little is known about countries located in the southern tier of the region. To begin to fill this gap, Duthé et al. (2017) present evidence from Georgia and Armenia and compare it with countries which we know more about, namely Kyrgyzstan and Russia. Results show that Armenia and Georgia have similar levels of adult mortality as Kyrgystan.
Books and Reports: New Approaches to Death in Cities during the Health Transition
This book presents recent efforts and new approaches to improve our understanding of the evolution of health and mortality in urban environments in the long run, looking at transformation and adaptations during the process of rapid population growth. In a world characterized by large and rapidly evolving urban environments, the past and present challenges cities face is one of the key topics in our society. Cities are a world of differences and, consequently, of inequalities.
Population Europe Inter-Faces: Trifon Missov
Interview with Trifon Missov (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) ) on Ageing. Questions: 1. Sometimes I look at my friends who are my age and wonder why some look much younger, and others older. Is that an indication that everyone ages at a different rate? 2. What do we actually know about the individual rate of ageing for human beings? 3. Looking back at the totality of my life, were the illnesses and unhealthy habits of my youth more relevant for my rate of ageing, or rather the health problems that occurred in the later years of my life?
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