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Where Are the Children?
Fertility levels dropped drastically over the last decades, with some countries more recently making a slight recovery. But why has this happened? What are the main factors influencing the number of children born in a particular country? What is the role of individual preferences, characteristics and personal network? Is fertility ‘contagious’among co-workers and friends? Do economic recessions and unemployment influence fertility? What is the role of the welfare state and have policy measures aimed at increasing fertility worked?
Books and Reports: The Demography Of Europe
This book, edited by Gerda Neyer, Gunnar Andersson, Hill Kulu, Laura Bernardi, and Christoph Bühler, brings together leading population researchers in the area of fertility, family, migration, life-expectancy, and mortality. The contributions present key issues of the new demography of Europe and discuss key research advances to understand the continent’s demographic development at the turn of the 21st century.
Population Europe Inter-Faces: Francesco Billari
"We need to trust others if we have to rely on them taking care of our kids" - an interview with Francesco Billari. Questions: 1. As an expert in fertility behaviour, which recent development in that field would you consider most significant? 2. Does that mean policy can make an impact on birth rates, or is it rather economies that matter? 3. What other factors are important in the context of fertility?
Population Europe Inter-Faces: Gerda Neyer
"The care dimension can no longer be excluded" - an interview with Gerda Neyer. Questions: 1) Which demographic development in the last decade do you consider most significant? 2) Can policy measures help to increase fertility rates? 3) Do you consider gender equality the remedy to counter low fertility rates? 4) Will our lives become even more centered exclusively on work? 5) Which policy measures can be effective to reconcile work and family? 6) Can we handle the extra amount of care needed?
Population Europe Inter-Faces: Elizabeth Thomson
"Changes in partnership behaviour are more significant than low fertility" - an interview with Elizabeth Thomson (SUDA). Questions: 1. Which demographic development in the last decade do you consider most significant? 2. What are the reasons why are people are no longer sure? 3. What impact does this change have on fertility? 4. Is this an area where policy measures can make a difference?
Family and Children
Society and Solidarity
Working Life
¿Cómo pagar los años dorados?
Europa está envejeciendo rápidamente y este cambio está siendo especialmente visible desde hace ya algún tiempo en Suecia. De acuerdo al análisis realizado por Tommy Bengtsson y Kirk Scott, en el 2050 las personas mayores constituirán el 26% de la población y sus ingresos estarán muy lejos de cubrir los costes públicos que producirán.   Consecuencias de una población envejecida
¿Cómo pagar los años dorados?
Europe is ageing rapidly, and in Sweden this development has been especially visible for some time now. By 2050 older people will form 26% of the population, and their incomes will be far from sufficient to cover for the public costs they cause say Tommy Bengtsson and Kirk Scott in a recent review article.   Consequences of an ageing population
¿Cómo pagar los años dorados?
Europa altert rapide, und in Schweden ist diese Entwicklung nun seit geraumer Zeit besonders deutlich sichtbar. Bis 2050 wird der Anteil älterer Menschen 26 % der Bevölkerung ausmachen, und ihre Einkommen werden bei Weitem nicht ausreichen, um die von ihnen verursachten öffentlichen Ausgaben abzudecken. So erklären es Tommy Bengtsson und Kirk Scott in einem jüngst erschienenen Artikel.   Auswirkungen einer alternden Bevölkerung
¿Cómo pagar los años dorados?
La population européenne vieillit rapidement et en Suède, ce phénomène est particulièrement visible de nos jours. Selon Tommy Bengtsson et Kirk Scott, d’ici 2050, les personnes âgées constitueront 26 % de la population et leurs revenus seront loin d’être suffisants pour couvrir les coûts publics qu’ils occasionnent.   Les conséquences d’une population vieillissante
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