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Population Europe Inter-Faces: Helga de Valk

"When you think of migrants, there is a very diverse population" - an interview with Helga de Valk.

1. You are an expert on migration: To what degree and in which ways can migrant populations contribute to softening the trend of low birth rates in Europe?

2. Are there demographic characteristics and behaviours of migrant populations that differ from that of natives?
3. When we think about how migrants adapt to the lifestyle of their new home country, what role does education play?

4. Which policies would you say could be most effective to push enhance the benefits of migration?

5. Do you think that in general there is an incorrect picture of migration in Europe?

The Population Europe Inter-Face Series has been published with financial support from the Progress programme of the European Union in the framework of the project ”Supporting a Partnership for Enhancing Europe’s Capacity to Tackle Demographic and Societal Change”.