INED celebrated its 70th anniversary with special conferences, September 22, 2015. In this roundtable animated by the journalist Thierry Guerrier, the participants were : Jean-Claude Ameisen (French national ethics committee), Géraldine Duthé (INED), Agnès Lefranc (InVS), Jean-Marie Robine (Inser-Ined-EPHE).
Realisation: Odile Gras
© Institut national d’études démographiques
The Population Europe Inter-Face Series has been published with financial support from the Progress programme of the European Union in the framework of the project ”Supporting a Partnership for Enhancing Europe’s Capacity to Tackle Demographic and Societal Change”.
For more video presentations, please visit Ined's YouTube Channel
More about INED's 70th anniversary on the dedicated website