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Pop digests


PopDigests are short, comprehensive summaries of research results with a link to the original publication (if accessible online). This allows population experts and other interested audiences to be able to easily access information to the latest research results. 

Poorer Health in Later Life for Single Mothers
Lone motherhood is increasing in many countries. The experience of parenting without a partner is generally associated with health problems, including physical limitations in daily activities and poor health. In their study, Lisa Berkman, Yuhui Zheng, M. Maria Glymour, Mauricio Avendano, Axel Börsch-Supan, and Erika L. Sabbath look at the single motherhood histories of older women to answer the following questions: How does single motherhood relate to health at older ages? Do these effects vary across 13 European countries, England, and the USA?
Human Capital Dynamics
Undoubtedly, climate change impacts modern societies in very different ways. In this regard, further advances in climate change research can actually contribute to a better understanding of not only the complex interrelationship between climate and socio-economic conditions of populations, but also of macroeconomic behaviours focused on human capital dynamics. Jesús Crespo Cuaresma develops a model that projects per capita income in the very long run for 144 countries, a potential instrument that could be used to measure the impact of climate changes at the global level.
 A Proxy for Integration?
How do partnership dynamics differ between migrants and natives? Are such differences the sign of a slower integration process of immigrants into the Estonian society? Leen Rahnu, Allan Puur, Luule Sakkeus and Martin Klesment show that new family patterns, such as non-marital cohabitation, are less frequent among immigrants in Estonia. These divergences between immigrants and native Estonians suggest that the ways in which migrants start their family life more accurately reflect the patterns of the country of origin than of those of the host society.
Fulfilled Expectations, More Children
Diverging expectations about how to divide household tasks between partners can influence the choice to have another child. For example, if a wife expects an egalitarian division of household labour and her husband does not fulfil his equal share of housework, this might influence the relationship in a way that negatively affects the decision to have another child.
Protecting the Vulnerable
People with dementia often have difficulties in managing their finances, possibly due to a decline in their arithmetic abilities, increased forgetfulness, and impaired judgement. As a consequence, they may be more vulnerable to financial abuse such as theft, exploitation, or fraud than others. It is widely recognised as necessary to inform families and carers about potential vulnerabilities and to offer suggestions to prevent and minimize risk of harm and loss.
Clues To Reduce Mortality Inequalities
The question of how to reduce inequalities in mortality, which are caused by a range of risks factors, such as smoking or obesity, is one of the biggest challenges for European health policies.In particular it remains unclear which of these factors are the most important determinants of the observed inequalities and therefore should be addressed first by policy interventions. A recent study by Terje A Eikemo et al. tries to resolve this problem by quantifying the potential for reducing inequalities in mortality by looking at a number of key determinants in 21 European populations.