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The Prognostic Value of Handgrip Strength for Mortality in Moscow, Denmark and England

Handgrip strength is seen as a powerful predictor of mortality across individuals. However, there is no research evidence about the levels and predictive ability of grip strength for mortality in Russian populations compared to the predictive ability of grip strength of other European populations, e.g. in England and Denmark. In England life expectancy levels are close to the EU average, while grip strength levels are slightly above EU average. Denmark has a below-average life expectancy level across EU countries, but it is one of the countries with the highest grip strength scores.
The Prognostic Value of Handgrip Strength for Mortality in Moscow, Denmark and England

Handgrip strength is seen as a powerful predictor of mortality across individuals. However, there is no research evidence about the levels and predictive ability of grip strength for mortality in Russian populations compared to the predictive ability of grip strength of other European populations, e.g. in England and Denmark. In England life expectancy levels are close to the EU average, while grip strength levels are slightly above EU average. Denmark has a below-average life expectancy level across EU countries, but it is one of the countries with the highest grip strength scores. In comparison with Denmark and the UK, life expectancy in Russia is much lower. Oksuzyan et al. (2017) compare the levels of grip strength and estimate the change in mortality for every kilogram change in grip strength using data from studies conducted in Moscow, Denmark and England. The results suggest that the grip strength levels in Moscow are lower than in Denmark and in England, and this difference is more pronounced in younger than in older ages. These findings suggest that in populations that experience higher levels of mortality, those individuals that are able to survive to older ages are somewhat stronger (e.g. in Moscow) than the older populations from countries where more people, on average, live to higher ages (e.g. in Denmark and England).The relation between grip strength and mortality, however, is quite similar in all three settings. This indicates that the ability of grip strength to predict mortality is comparable across countries with diverse socioeconomic conditions, cultural circumstances, health care and social systems, and levels of life expectancy.