Calls for Papers Event Series Tuesday Dialogues / Dienstagsdialoge Berlin Demography Days / Berliner Demografie-Tage FutuRes Policy Lab European Day of Demography Past Population Europe Events Event Reviews Recordings of Past Events October 2024: Towards a New Equality of Place: Leveraging Geospatial Data for Policy Impact 5 November 2024: Falling birth rates: 5 policy options that help families October 2024: Tuesday Dialogue - Re-thinking family generations: diverse life courses and how they relate to social inequality Die Bundestagswahl im Demografischen Wandel Tuesday Dialogue - Why perceptions of social inequality and fairness are often wrong - and why they are important nonetheless Tuesday Dialogue with Prof. Dr. Claudia Diehl, Professor of Microsociology and Co-speaker of the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality " at the University of Konstanz When 08 July Where Online - Zoom (GDPR compliant licence) Register here