Calls for Papers Event Series Tuesday Dialogues / Dienstagsdialoge Berlin Demography Days / Berliner Demografie-Tage FutuRes Policy Lab European Day of Demography Past Population Europe Events Event Reviews Recordings of Past Events October 2024: Towards a New Equality of Place: Leveraging Geospatial Data for Policy Impact 5 November 2024: Falling birth rates: 5 policy options that help families October 2024: Tuesday Dialogue - Re-thinking family generations: diverse life courses and how they relate to social inequality Die Bundestagswahl im Demografischen Wandel Tuesday Dialogue - Working into old age? (Political) conditions and limits to working until and beyond retirement age Tuesday Dialogue with Prof. Dr. Dirk Hofäcker, Professor of Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research at the University of Duisburg-Essen When 03 June Where Online - Zoom (GDPR compliant licence) Register here