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More than 200 international stakeholders joined the FutuRes Policy Lab's dialogue event "Demographic Resilience in Uncertain Times".

How can Europe ensure it has enough essential workers (care, infrastructure) in coming decades? This question was discussed in a meeting by the EU-funded FutuRes Policy Lab on March 11. More than 200 participants joined online from policy, research, international organisations, civil society and business. The FutuRes experts presented findings in the areas automation/labour markets, families, equality, and institutional resilience.

Logo of the Einstein Center for Population Diversity
Epidemiological, public health and social perspectives
The Einstein Center Population Diversity invites you to the second distinguished lecture with Emeritus Professor Raj Phopal. This free event is a unique chance to engage in conversation with one of the leading experts on health and migration at a special location.
Researchers have developed a new interactive tool to view inequality indicators. It allows journalists, policymakers, researchers, and data scientists to visually explore and understand inequalities more precisely than ever.

Researchers have developed a new interactive tool to view inequality indicators. It allows journalists, policymakers, researchers, and data scientists to visually explore and understand inequalities more precisely than ever.

People at a conference table discussing
The Advisory Board will advise Population Europe's science-for-policy outreach. The outreach activities are designed for policymakers, business leaders, civil society and media representatives.

The Advisory Board will advise Population Europe's science-for-policy outreach. The outreach activities are designed for policymakers, business leaders, civil society and media representatives.

Older woman and young child look at mobile phone together
Dr. Bettina Hünteler of the Max-Planck-Institute for Demographic Research presented the audience with a new way of understanding social inequality: by looking at family compositions and how they differ during peoples' life

The Tuesday Dialogues are a series of public, online talks on demographic research and pressing societal issues which have taken place since 2020. Since 2024 they are being organized in collaboration with the Einstein Center Population Diversity in Berlin.