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Centre for Longitudinal Studies' Next Steps Age 31 Sweep

Online consultation open until 4 December 2019

News: Centre for Longitudinal Studies' Next Steps Age 31 Sweep

Next Steps is a longitudinal cohort study, following a nationally representative group of nearly 16,000 people born in England in 1989-1990. The aim of the Age 31 Sweep is to provide data for research and policy on the lives of this generation of adults in their early 30s.

CLS is seeking input on the scientific content of the Age 31 Sweep. The aim of this open consultation is to help ensure that the data collected at age 31 is high quality and addresses key research and policy questions.


Life at Age 31

By age 31, many more of the cohort will have experienced important life transitions in relation to work and careers, education and training, partnerships and children and their housing situation. However, pathways to adulthood have also grown more varied and complex for this generation. For example, rather than making straightforward transitions from education to work, and to independent living and family formation, this generation of adults are now more likely to oscillate between education and work, between living at home and independently and may delay family formation as a result.

The Age 31 Sweep will collect also information on many wider aspects of cohort members’ lives including health and wellbeing, politics and social participation, identity and attitudes and non-cognitive skills.


About the Scientific Consultation

Suggestions for what we should ask cohort members at age 31 are welcome from researchers, policy makers, practitioners, or anyone with an interest in this generation.

The Age 31 Sweep provides the opportunity to collect a range of information to aid the understanding of the lives of this generation. The study aims to cover a wide range of disciplines, including population health and epidemiology, economics, sociology, demography, psychology and others. It has the potential to inform a wide range of policies including relating to labour market, education and health.

In addition to questionnaire measures, we welcome suggestions for novel data collection measures, data linkages, bio-measures and life history questionnaire measures.

The scientific themes for the Age 31 Sweep are detailed at the link below, including topic coverage and key priorities and considerations. Please read this information before submitting your ideas to the consultation.

Link to further information and online submission