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News: Population Europe researcher elected to US National Academy of Sciences
On Thursday, 10 November 2022, Interim IIASA Deputy Director General for Science, Wolfgang Lutz, received an Honorary Doctorate of Arts in Demography from Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the field of demography.
GGP-5D Project
The Generations and Gender Programme entered a new era of its existence with the kick-off of the GGP-5D project. This new project will lead the GGP onto an institutionalised pathway of European Research Infrastructure Consortia.
ERC logo
This week, the European Research Council announced the Principal Investigators for their ERC Starting Grants 2022. With a total of €636m in funding, the ERC aims to support emerging scientific talent across Europe.
The knowledge network Netspar – Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement – has awarded the project proposal of NIDI researchers Frank van Tubergen en Jelle Lössbroek for their research project “Migrants’ retirement preparation: risk factors, causes, solutions” with a grant of € 250,000.
Annette Baudisch
As of October 1st, Annette Baudisch became the new Director of CPop. Annette is a mathematician and demographer by training with insights into biology, economics, and computer science.

As of October 1st, Annette Baudisch became the new Director of CPop. Annette is a mathematician and demographer by training with insights into biology, economics, and computer science.

LIVES Interactive glossayr web
The LIVES Centre developed an interactive glossary containing more than 30 theoretical concepts that can be visualized in a semantic network. It shares a common language with the whole scientific community for the study of vulnerability in a life-course perspective.

The LIVES Centre developed an interactive glossary containing more than 30 theoretical concepts that can be visualized in a semantic network. It shares a common language with the whole scientific community for the study of vulnerability in a life-course perspective.

Ridhi Kashyap
Congratulations to Professor Ridhi Kashyap, who has been promoted to full Professor of Demography & Computational Social Science.

Congratulations to Professor Ridhi Kashyap, who has been promoted to full Professor of Demography & Computational Social Science.