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Vulnerability Across the Life Course

News: Vulnerability Across the Life Course
Copyright: MatteoCaremoli

This issue defines vulnerability as a key interdisciplinary concept for understanding life trajectories. Moreover, it develops a life course framework to study vulnerability along three structuring axes of research: multidimensionality, multilevel, and multidirectionality.

This issue on vulnerability across the life course brings together two fields of research that have much in common but require more dialogue between them. One field is the broad umbrella of life course research (Elder, 1985; Levy & the Pavie Team, 2007; Settersten, 1999), which is a fruitful interdisciplinary framework that has developed into a mainstream approach in social and psychological sciences since the 1980s. The second is the ever-growing field of research on vulnerability (Hanappi, Bernardi, & Spini, 2014), which originated in environmental vulnerability and has extended to the even larger fields of social and psychological vulnerabilities [...].

Download the issue here.