News from the Network Partners Experts Collaborations Honorary Members In Memoriam Related Content Pop Digest - Beyond Overestimation: Refining Migrant Data for a True Picture in Sweden Books and Reports - Labour migration in Flanders and the use of the single permit to address labour market shortages: The lived experiences of single permit holders working in medium skilled bottleneck professions Books and Reports - Climate Change, Displacement, Mobility and Migration: The State of Evidence, Future Scenarios, Policy Options Books and Reports - Could we have seen it coming? Towards an early warning system for asylum applications in the EU Event - Empirical prediction intervals applied to short term mortality forecasts and excess Event - ODISSEI Conference for Social Science in the Netherlands 2022 Anne Goujon Dr. Image (c) Anne Goujon Institution: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis Street: Schlossplatz 1 City: 2361 Laxenburg Country: Austria Personal Homepage: E-Mail: Current Position: Program Director and Principal Research Scholar at the Population and Just Societies Program Main research fields: Migration and Integration Projections and Forecasts Country focus: Others