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The European Commission launches the Atlas of Demography

european commission

On Tuesday, April 29, the European Commission launched the Atlas of Demography, a new, interactive and multidimensional tool developed by the JRC to visualise, monitor and anticipate demographic change at a very high spatial resolution

Together with the green and digital transitions, demographic change is the third transformation shaping the future of Europe. A good understanding of how demographic change and the local, regional and national realities interact is key to tailor EU policies to the changing conditions on the ground.

Demographic knowledge is cross-cutting: demographic drivers and implications of territorial disparities across EU regions provide unique and detailed insights to tackle societal challenges and to even better understand political attitudes. Demographic insights will help inform the development and implementation of policies that are closer to citizens’ needs.

The Atlas of Demography is a new interactive knowledge management tool that enables policy-makers and citizens to observe, monitor and anticipate demographic challenges. It aims at informing several policy areas  - such as health, labour, education, access to services and amenities, territorial and cohesion policies, to name a few - with timely, robust, comparable demographic data and knowledge at the finest level of geographical detail (down to the level of a single municipality).

To check out the tool, click here.

To learn more about it, click here.