From assembly line robots, to customer service bots, to advanced A.I. – the automation of Europe’s labour markets is speeding up. Hardly any human worker today will remain unaffected by this trend. But who are the most vulnerable groups? And which policy measures are promising for which countries?
How Will Robots Change my Job?
Automation and Policies of Resilience
Presentation by: Dr. Emily Barker, macroeconomist, University of Southampton
Date: April 1st, 1-2 PM CEST, via Zoom
Register here for the talk
Emily Barker is a Research Fellow at the University of Southampton. Her current research is in the effects of automation of jobs and tasks on economies, using empirical and theoretical (or DSGE) models. In the past, she has examined the role of migration and migration policies on the macroeconomy of open economies. Dr. Barker’s research interests are in the areas of international migration, business cycles, open economies, fiscal policy, emerging economies, commodity prices, and applied macroeconometrics. (more)
"In Touch with Tomorrow" is a talk series by the FutuRes Policy Lab. In each talk, one of our experts gives the research perspective on a policy relevant demographic trend.
The Futures Policy Lab is a platform for transdisciplinary policymaking. It is run by Population Europe, within the EU-funded FutuRes project.