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FemQuant anniversary event: Looking back, looking forward

FemQuant anniversary event: Looking back, looking forward

This virtual event will be a moderated panel discussion featuring a mix of social scientists who use feminist approaches in their quantitative research.

This virtual event, to be held online on Thursday 15 December 2022 4-5:30pm (UK time), will be a moderated panel discussion featuring a mix of social scientists who use feminist approaches in their quantitative research. The discussion will ‘look back’ at exciting innovations and promising developments made in quantitative feminist research, as well as the challenges faced along the way, and ‘look forward’ on exploring new directions and opportunities for feminist quantitative research.



Marion Lieutaud is a research fellow in the Department of Methodology at the London School of Economics and a sociologist, specialised in computational and quantitative methods.

Rachel Cohen is a Professor in Sociology, Work and Employment at City, University of London.

Aliya Saperstein is an Associate Professor of Sociology and Benjamin Scott Crocker Professor in Human Biology at Stanford University.

Jacyln Wong is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology and a Faculty Affiliate of the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of South Carolina.

Wendy Sigle is Head of the Department of Gender Studies at the London School of Economics and teaches courses on social policy and population studies.

Alyasah Ali Sewell is an Associate Professor of Sociology at Emory University and Affiliated Faculty with the African American Studies, and Executive Director and Founder of The Race and Policing Project.

Heini Väisänen is a Tenured Researcher at the French National Institute for Demographic Research (INED) and a part-time Lecturer in Social Statistics and Demography at the University of Southampton.



Sara Rose Taylor is part of the FemQuant organizing collective and is also a Canadian public servant.