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News from the Network

Books and Reports: Policy Brief: "Treating all children equally? Why policies should adapt to evolving family realities"
Population Europe is very pleased to announce its new collaboration with the OECD Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs (ELS) in Paris, France. ELS is joining a group of nine other institutions, amongst them the European Commission DG for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, Eurostat, and the Population Reference Bureau in Washington D.C.
News: Between work and (more) children
Parental leave in Central and Eastern Europe
The European Commission’s new roadmap on work-life balance for families seeks to im­prove labour market participation of women. Women’s employment, asserts the Commis­sion, is “tightly linked to the distribution of work and family responsibilities between men and women” and, consequently, gender gaps in pay and pensions [1].
News: Steadily upward
Life expectancy in Greece defies crisis
Greek life expectancy is on the rise. Between 2004 and 2013, life expectancy at birth rose more than two full years from 79.3 to 81.4, keeping Greece above the EU average (up 2.2 years to 80.6) and on par with some richer countries like Germany (up 1.6 years to 80.9). Within the country, the change has not been driven by rich regions only: Epirus (Ipeiros), the country’s poorest by GDP per capita (2011), saw a rise in life expectancy similar to that of Athens (Attiki).
Interfaces Summary
PEs Video Series Continues
Why do women remain childless, why is 60 the new 70, what factors influence migration decisions? In our Population Europe Video Series "Population Europe Inter-Faces", 20 well-respected researchers from the Population Europe network answer demographic questions in a very intelligible and comprehensive way. Each one of them is also explaining one figure, that they find interesting an important. You can watch the videos here