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News: IIASA World Population Program Director Wolfgang Lutz has received a new grant from the European Research Council.
The project will explore human wellbeing as criterion for sustainable development
The European Research Council (ERC) has awarded Wolfgang Lutz a 2017 Advanced Grant. The project aims to develop new indicators for long-term human wellbeing that include feedbacks from environmental and other changes. Lutz is scientific director of the Vienna Institute of Demography (VID) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW), and professor of applied statistics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU). These three institutions together are part of the Wittgenstein Center, of which Lutz is the founding director.
Human Capital Dynamics
Undoubtedly, climate change impacts modern societies in very different ways. In this regard, further advances in climate change research can actually contribute to a better understanding of not only the complex interrelationship between climate and socio-economic conditions of populations, but also of macroeconomic behaviours focused on human capital dynamics. Jesús Crespo Cuaresma develops a model that projects per capita income in the very long run for 144 countries, a potential instrument that could be used to measure the impact of climate changes at the global level.
People And Emissions
Even though the intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) which includes more than 2500 scientists from 150 countries, is confident that population is one of the root causes of greenhouse emissions, there have only been a few studies on the actual input of population trends on climate change. Based on existing scientific evidence, Leiwen Jiang and Karen Hardee explore how demographic trends affect climate change and they try to find answers on how demographics do have an impact on both mitigation and adaptation, and they also discuss how policies could make a difference.
People And Emissions
Obwohl das Zwischenstaatliche Expertengremium für Klimaänderungen (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change — IPCC), dem mehr als 2.500 Wissenschaftler aus 150 Staaten angehören, davon überzeugt ist, dass die Bevölkerung eine der Hauptursachen für Treibhausgasemissionen darstellt, gab es bisher nur eine Handvoll Studien zu dem tatsächlichen Einfluss von Bevölkerungstrends auf den Klimawandel.
People And Emissions
A pesar de que el Grupo Intergubernamental de Expertos sobre el Cambio Climático (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC), que incluye más de 2.500 científicos de 150 países, ha asegurado que la población es una de las causas principales de las emisiones de efecto invernadero, son pocos los estudios que han comprobado los efectos reales de las tendencias de la población sobre el cambio climático.
People And Emissions
Bien que le Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat (GIEC) qui rassemble plus de 2500 scientifiques issus de 150 pays soit sûr et certain que la population constitue l’une des sources principales d’émissions de gaz à effet de serre, rares sont les études consacrées à la contribution actuelle des tendances démographiques sur les changements climatiques.
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